Trump floats idea of US reclaiming Panama Canal: 'Foolishly gave it away'

Isn’t all this chatter just going to push Panama closer to China?

Trump did that throughout his first term. He must be doing something right, because here he is yet again. I’m expecting we will see more of the same. What you or I think about it is irrelevant.

Let Trump be Trump! :rofl:


A simple tweet doesn’t seem to be a waste of his time. But the DEM reaction to that tweet is priceless. :wink:

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I think he’s trolling with some of this stuff.

Looking at lib responses they are clearly falling for it. :rofl:

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Oh, I’m quite sure Trump spends a fair amount of time thinking about these wacky ideas. And way more time following the reaction to them, grinning and bragging…

We all spend a fair amount of time thinking about various ideas. However, most of us don’t bother to tweet about those ideas. Why? Because we have no audience.

And yes, I believe that Trump likely takes pleasure in seeing LIBs froth at the mouth over even the simplest tweet.

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And I don’t think that’s a good use of a presidents time, thinking of tweets posting them, gloating about them.

But I am soooo looking forward to it. :rofl:

How is he wasting our money?



It doesn’t matter what you feel.

And all those northern provinces had a habit of going into revolt all the time back in the day. That was a super recurring thing there, even after the end of the Mexican Revolution.

What makes you think that he tweets every thought he has?

Yet here you are, chattering away. :smiley:

Seriously … This is not an either/or issue for Panama. Why would you think Panama wants China controlling the canal any more than they want the US back in their lives?

What you think is immaterial. This is America. He is free to use his time as he likes.

Yep. And for that reason (with help from Hollywood) that has become the stereotypical image Americans have of Mexico.

Ever notice how those most critical of Trump’s personality have none of their own? Ever notice how everyone is interested in what Trump thinks, but never interested in what some lonely whiny lib thinks? :thinking:


I think China would offer protection fro the US seizing the canal in return for favorable shipping rates.


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