Trump floats idea of US reclaiming Panama Canal: 'Foolishly gave it away'

And that’s what’s so disturbing. So many people voted for a troll president. Why they did is quite disturbing.

Do I detect a little froth dripping from your mouth? Be honest now! Come on, you can tell me! :rofl:

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Because the alternative was woke.

Do you understand what you’re advocating?

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The alternative was a troll who lives under his basement stairs.

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Great idea! Then in the next election Canada will be completely ours without us incurring the ill-will internationally that would have occurred had we absorbed them. :sunglasses: :+1:

Plus it makes the proposal to buy Greenland look much more favorable. :wink:

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Gotta love how Canadians consider the United States “America”. (“… make America our 11th prov…”) As if they aren’t America too.

But hey. They’re Canadians. What are we to expect?


I don’t think so
But we’re all biased about ourselves. The trolling is disturbing to me. And that so many people latch onto it and are just like “YEAH LIB TEARS!!!”. Which shouldn’t be how a president should act. Just my opinion. Trump would be banned from here immediately. Probably not.

And yet here he is with his second term. Go figure! :wink:

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Not for you to decide.


where am I advocating anything? I’m commenting on what i think would happen if trump pushed to take the canal.

Come to there defense?

china would, yes.

carter did something right.( heaven forbid)


Uhm why?

The PLA would never try to fight us in our own backyard. They aren’t that stupid.

This is where we’re at - bottom rung libs so far gone into their mental disorders that they’re secretly lusting for China to (somehow :rofl:) put us in our place.



They’re completely disregarding how the PLA is built and what it’s being built for.

It’s very much a military designed to fight in its home territory and the South China Sea.

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It’s also a far inferior military, just like all the other ones have always been.

But count on some lonely never-has-been with an Orange Mental Disorder to convince themselves that China’s gonna come 5,000 miles across the planet with cheap knockoff equipment and threaten the most powerful military force in the history of the known universe, in their own backyard.

These are clowns, honking their jealous noses.

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Great post.