I found this to be interesting. I don’t have an opinion one way or another, but thought it make for an interesting discussion.
Rhetoric and Hyperbole aside, would it be legally possible for the US to reclaim the Panama Canal?
In a Truth Social post Saturday, Trump complained at length about the fees levied on U.S. ships going through the Big Ditch. The Panama Canal’s tolls can range from three to six figures depending on how large a vessel is and how much cargo it carries, with the largest ships being charged as much as $500,000.
I just did a google search and discovered how much I didn’t know about the history of the land and the canal.
I agree that trying to take it back makes no sense. Since we never really owned it in the first place, we can’t simply take it back.
Within that context, I see Trump’s comments as hyperbole. I don’t expect anything to come of it. But it makes for an interesting Saturday morning read.
What I fondly remember from Trump’s previous term are the Tweets. He would get a thought and proceed unfiltered onto twitter in order to share the thought. Kind of a thinking out loud exercise. Most of it was testing the waters and hyperbole, but it provided insight into what Trump was thinking at the time.
It drove DEMs crazy because they were never fully able to grasp that we all have those kinds of thoughts but tend to keep them to ourselves. Not so with Trump. I can hardly wait for the fun to begin anew.
But yet you see verified conservative/Trump supporting (not parody) accounts on X supporting this idea. Why is it so hard for some to be critical of what the person they chose to be President says?
You are allowed to disagree with Trump but good to see here no one is seriously arguing that Trump makes a valid point.
After bringing myself up-to-speed historically, I now see that this might be just Trump thinking out loud. However, it does make one wonder if, like me, Trump might not be up to speed on the history of the canal zone.
In any case, I figured this might be a light-hearted change from some of the more serious discussions we are having.
Trump knows nothing of history. Which is why when he’s told something he announces it like a child learning for the first time. Korea used to be controlled by China, and Lincoln being a Republican are prime examples. Because he doesn’t know things he assumes no one else does. Like a child. It’s cute except that he’s the president.
Did you know they speak Russian in crimea? Nobody knew that before me…