Trump floats idea of US reclaiming Panama Canal: 'Foolishly gave it away'

We could always buy it back. It’s Panama. A sudden influx of billions of dollars with no strings attached would probably make them part with it.

Granted what would even be the point? Is it that profitable these days?

But can a President, or anyone else for that matter, be expected to be an expert on everything? That’s why they surround themselves with experts.

The argument then goes, well knowing that a President can’t possibly know everything, shouldn’t they be cautious with their statements? That would certainly be the prudent thing to do.

But then again, we are talking about Trump. That never stopped him in the past, and I wouldn’t expect it to stop him going forward.

If he was to suddenly become more restrained, what fun would that be? :rofl:

No but some things should probably be fairly common knowledge.

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I’m betting he is just thinking out loud. It will likely blow over in a few days.

Trump has habit of doing that.

You would think so, but…

I like to think of myself as pretty knowledgeable about world geography and history. But I’m embarrassed to say that I wasn’t aware of the canal history when I started the thread. I thought I was aware, until I did some quick research.

Yep! And that is one of the things I like about him.

There are basics someone who wants to be president should know. Doubly so when he was already president.

Neocon imperialist war monger?

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But what fun would that be? :rofl:

The stability of the world

I’d rather build an American Canal between the USA and Mexico. It should be deep enough for ships and sharks.


I don’t see that it was suffering under Trump 1. I expect it won’t suffer under Trump 2 either. :wink:

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That would be an engineering nightmare I imagine.

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This is one of the foolish things that peanut farmer Carter did during his term in office, in addition to giving the world the current day Iran, the man was/is an idiot and there isn’t enough habitat for humanity penance he can do off offset the damage he did to mankind and the world.

I am all for taking the Panama Canal back as if not for the USA it would have never been completed, and this marvel of ingenuity benefits the world so if we are being levied more than other countries I say take it back by any means.

It would be very simple, but not very easy.


It was foolish to give it away.

It would be a mistake to try to take it back.

But if we still had Panama, we cold just build THE WALL there and end all land-based migration at Colombia.


Where would be the best place to do it? The US Mexico border is a pretty wide thing (from the Gulf of Mexico all the way to Baja California and the pacific)

The Big River already got the project started for us. Just follow the border from there.

I will seriously argue he makes a valid point! We built it and we are the country that uses it the most and it’s vital to our economy. Carter gave it away and it’s time to take it back. IMNOHO!