Trump finally admits the truth

Like which things? Unity? Which policies?

Who knew high energy costs were so popular…

He didn’t get more votes than any President in history. President Biden got more votes then he did.

That’s why Trump** lost.

He got more votes than any sitting President running for reelection, but that doesn’t mean he got the most votes. He came in second in the vote count and EC votes.


You are sounding like a North Korean Kim-supporter now.

The Bidens never have hidden it very much. They count on the media to provide cover for them.

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At least. As president maybe his cut went up?


Bam…which provides even more evidence of potential fraud. Thanks.

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So scared of the truth, you couldn’t even play it in context. Keep feeding and regurgibleating. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:


This “more votes than any sitting president” talking point is dumb, even for them.

It’s beyond that, it’s completely nonsensical.

Great argument: My guy lost to your guy, so the election was fraudulent!

Obviously…math…and common sense…are not your strengths. Carry on… :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

Hi comedy coming from a Trump supporter.

You must be drinking whatever is in that emoji cup, Zero logic in that statement. Common sense and math? How many court cases & recounts were conducted… and yet orange moron still LOST. LOL!

Let’s add spelling to the list. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

Truth is Trump lost. The people scared are those hanging on to the big lie with a death grip. :sunglasses:

Yes…the election that all of us must unite behind, has unanswered questions that are being audited in Arizona, with steam picking up for additional audits in other states and hopefully will be thoroughly examined to eliminate any and all possibilities of fraud. I’m patient. If none is found, it would greatly please me? If it is found, “we” have a problem?

Can you blame him, after all he made this prediction last year:


Kinda hard to know what people are talking about from a photo don’t ya think?

…and 75 million…in every prior election…was a “landslide victory”. In this one, something extremely unusual happened that’s currently being forensically audited and now I must be patient as the winner, embarrasses our nation across the globe.