Trump finally admits the truth

Trump had $400 million that he conned from his supporters to find this “fraud.” They came up empty and lost 60+ court cases. Trump does appreciate the donations to his golfing retirement though. :grin:

Yawn, you have no proof other than your feeeeeeelings. Its been how long since the election now, and still nothing. Get over it. Orange man lost.

I see, so the number for Trump of 75 million is totally legit, but the 81 million for Biden must be fraudulent…because, reasons.

Just wait. He’s going to be back in office in August. Q said so. Because you know, their predictions have been spot on thus far. :laughing:

Not that unusual at all. Trump was such a loathsome individual he motivated 81 million people to make absolutely sure he was a one term president. :sunglasses:

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Or, September at the latest, according to Mike Lindell.

Who, I’ve noticed, has gone on an advertising blitz for his bedware since this all happened.

Hopefully all his new profits won’t go to paying lawsuits. A gamble to be sure.

Don’t forget. Two weeks after Biden is kicked out and Trump** again becomes the sitting President…

He will release the greatest health care plan ever that will cover everyone for less money. Two weeks.


…except…it doesn’t add up historically in any way, fashion or form.

I see, so modern elections need to follow the pattern of old elections.

Despite population growth and despite the fact that a greater percentage of eligible voters came out for this election. Most of them to send a “You’re fired!!” message to Donald Trump.

Deliciously ironic, I say.

If a guy gets 75 million votes how can you say people wanted him gone so badly. The democrats ll lost seats in the house and left the election with a 50/50 senate.

Biden has only been able to move his agenda forward by executive order…(which has been stupidly damaging enough to the country).

Democrats have been pretending they left the last election with some kind of mandate…

I not only see no mandate but I m feeling that the country is increasingly getting sick and tired of liberalism as it exists today.

I knoooow…rite…and yet, that’s how banks predict whether or not your credit is worthy of a loan? I mean…common sense is all sooooo crazy. It should be now be called…uncommon sense. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

Hey, Kaleigh “I would never lie” McNinny showed us the totally legit Pub Health Care plan on TV that time.



Biden told us he had had no discussion with Hunter about his business dealings overseas…

Photos showing Biden with Hunter and his overseas business associates emerge and your still justifying the lie? Did you believe Bill Clinton and Loretta lynch only talked about grandkids and golf on the tarmac in Phoenix too?


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Historically those that have gotten the most votes and as a result received the most Electoral College ballots did when.

The results adhere to both form, fashion, and the results of the election.


What was the vote total for this election and what was the very next highest one? The MASSIVE difference is what I find questionable…how about you?

Arizona LOL. If there was anything there they would have found it weeks ago. This ain’t rocket surgery.

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“LOL”…does that mean “leaked out loud”? I can wait. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

What math?


The “alternative facts” math that Trump supporters use.