Official republican convention thread

Why should they stop now?

Uh oh, the C-Span caller index is tilting towards Trump. That, coupled with his clear lead in the Yacht Regatta Indicator, spells trouble for Biden.

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Wait until they tell you how many yard signs they see

It’s an allegory.

Trump is like an aging Kevin Costner (President) playing a younger man protecting a still vibrant Halle Barry (Western Democracy) from the forces of evil.

Eventually the President will make sweet, sweet love to Western Democracy to the strains of a soundtrack destined to go double platinum.

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What did I rewrite?

They were not talking about riots.

The average American from both sides of the aisle can see and hear all of the destruction of our country in Democrat run cities and will vote accordingly this November. Are you listening…I predict a landslide victory for Trump. :sunglasses:

Oh yeah…I forgot…they’re “peaceful protests”…amirite? :sunglasses:

Lol Trump and the RNC did everything but have him come out in street wear with a backwards baseball cap and try to rap.

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It means hello I am covertly appealing to white nationalists who now couch their rhetoric as “protecting Western civilization” even though we hate classical liberal educations.

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Speaking of Trump being down with the brothers, Ben Carson saying “People say Trump is racist but did you know Jesse Jackson once gave him an award?” is the only thing that made me literally lol.

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What? You missed that? It was very cool. :sunglasses:

That is the thing that I find funny.

What the hell do they actually mean by “Western Civilization”?

I am pretty sure I know what they mean… but what do they say they mean?

Seriously, great post.

They weren’t talking about riots. They were talking about that autonomous zone thing.

That’s all.

And, additionally, that quote is a snippet. Who knows what she went on to say.

Thanks, it is a great post. It highlights another gaslighting attempt from the Trump administration. If they really care about and have all of these black people who support them, as numerous black speakers at the RNC said they did, why is that not refelcted in the makeup of the audience for Trump’s speech?


So Trump will mention Joe Biden 41 times in State of the Union ?

5 Million more people watched Obama than watched Pence. Oof.

You parse any words you desire to describe this but…the truth is, it’s the aftermath of riots.

That’s because Obama makes Americans feel good.

Pence just lies. How many times can Americans hear the same lies?

Uh huh.

They weren’t talking about riots.
