Trump Falsely Says Law Prevents Him Releasing Tax Returns Under Audit

I stopped reading after this.

Justices of the SCOTUS use the law and precedents to issue opinions.

Not what they think.


Oh, you are back again. Do you keep a spreadsheet of all these logins?

Of course he doesn’t, but the law is clear as to what he’s required to do.

This law will be challenged? On what grounds? That Trump doesn’t understand it?

Which is your MO. Your a tough guy.

This is why it was so smart when trump said he was gonna keep Mexicans out of our country. And build a wall.

Just look at the massive dedication from many republicans he’s built. Very, very smart move on his part. He knows what it takes to get that kind of loyalty.

I wasn’t disappointed when Nancy took over as Speaker.

Blue tsunami hit the house in November +40.

Or did you forget that little fact.

There can be no doubt at this point: Democrats are FAR, FAR, FAR, FAR, FAR, better than the anti-American group known as the “GOP”.

Fat donald didn’t put all of his businesses in a blind trust. That’s a fact. Full stop.

Bro, take a chill pill.

I personally would use cluster bombs on the border and we could pull every government agency out of there, as they would not be needed. These Mexicans have no problem raping and murdering our citizens.
Sean would say;
Oh, but we are a better country than that.
Ask Seth Richs parents


bye :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:


What part of “blind” in “blind trust” escapes your comprehension?

Well. Do we have quite the edgelord sniffing around here.

Just to be clear, you’re in favor of wanton mass murder on our border.

History has great company for people like you.

You are on the wrong board. Those kind of posts will get you banned here.

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Why do so many Trump supporters tend toward the sociopath end of the spectrum? Any ideas?

Crazy or just another Trumpkin? :thinking:

A simple matter to point me to those challenges in the 1924 law. :wink: