Trump Falsely Says Law Prevents Him Releasing Tax Returns Under Audit

That’s true of conservative justices, not so much liberal justices.

Is the law constitutional? That will likely be the crux of the challenge. IMHO

House results were about par for a mid-term. Senate GOP actually saw gains. Better than par there.

2020 will be the true test.

In your opinion! :+1:

What part of the Constitution do you think might be violated, in what manner?

You know quoting a filter by-pass is a filter by pass

Word to the wise.

Quoting them will too. :wink:

It’s very curious to me that you’re fighting so hard to make sure that 1 of our 3 branches doesn’t have oversight over another branch. And what’s even more curious is you’re doing so while defending maybe the sleaziest politician we’ve ever had.

Did you know that it’s against the law to vote against a sitting president if the country is doing well? You can’t! Good luck Dems!

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its actually against the law not to donate to the Incumbent Republican

I’m not sure what you mean by “fighting so hard”?? I’m simply having a discussion as to how I believe things will play out. I honestly couldn’t care less how it does, as none of this will have any impact to me in my personal life. Life will go on no matter what happens.

Shush let it happen naturally

Did you forget about the gubernatorial gains, and state legislature gains by the dems. It was more than just par. Literally the only thing thing the GOP didnt get their ass handed to them in was the Senate and they were only defending like 8 seats, that wont be the case in 2020. To put it another way it nearly almost went as bad as it possibly could go for the gop and that is during the so called greatest economy in history.

I wouldnt put much faith in the GOP turning that around in a year and a half especially considering Trumps bs almost begging the economy to go into a recession.

No answer, there is no constitutional basis to challenge the law that is in place.


LOL… A federal judge will decide, Trump has no standing and will not even party to the discussion.

In the early days, income tax information was public record and the taxes of high earners were regularly published in newspapers. What constitutional issue would you suggest the IRS argue?

The supreme court has left it entirely up to congress…

If you’re a republican (or vote republican) and you’ve realized that Trump is an idiot, raise your hand here.

Wait a little confused here.

As far as I know, Trump has released all his financial information needed to run for the President. Releasing tax returns isn’t mandated.

I would be fine with the concept of all candidates must release their tax returns, but the congress should pass a law stating this for all presidential candidates, not just for Donnie T.

Are the Dems asking Trump to release his five year returns OR did they pass a law/get a court order to release his returns? I am leaning toward the first option. If so, Trump has every right to say no. I think it is smart for Trump to say no, he’s not releasing them. It would create a gigantic rabbit hole and produce more investigations.

To the Dems: I know exactly what’s in Trump’s returns. Are you ready? Trump hired accountants to use every tax loop to prevent him from paying a high tax rate. I wouldn’t be shocked if Trump hasn’t paid any federal taxes in more than a decade and marked his properties as “non-profit organizations”. The tax returns will also reveal that he’s given very little to charity and he’s less rich than what he’s been projecting. Nothing will be found “illegal”, just that he’s an opportunist.

There is already a law, passed decades ago, that allows the House Committee in question to request the tax returns of any American individual or corporation. The law states the Treasury shall furnish the returns, to be viewed in a closed session of the committee, unless that individual or corporation agrees to allow the session to be open.

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On what grounds do you believe it will be found unconstitutional?