Trump: End due process for illegal immigrants

Orange pile of turd is losing the narrative, so he goes full retard. I wonder what his supporters will come up for an excuse.

Illegals are lucky they aren’t shot for trying to cross. That would be an even bigger deterrent than a wall.

Imagine what the lib outrage would be like.

The same tired excuse when all else fails… that he was joking. Except that no one is laughing.

If trump would tweet something like this, his supporters would worship him even more.

“It’s about time someone shows the fortitude it takes to get the job done”

Are you out of your cotton pickin’ mind?


Quiet in here.

I’m gonna bet money on an explanation that he didn’t really mean that, what he meant is that we need to write new laws to address legal standing or some nonsense.

Plenty of conservatives here would like nothing better than end judicial process at the border. The slide into approving despotism has been seamless.

It’s almost as if everything they’ve ever said about the Constitution and our rights was a crock of ■■■■ and that they only care about 1 specific part of it

Does there need to be due process? Is it punishment?

Mmmmmm. Asylum pleas. Interesting.

We’ve done that too.

Well, there’s due process, and then there’s promises to allow parents to be reunited with their children if they agree to drop asylum plea and be deported.

It is getting to the point where every few days his staff has to make it out that he was “just joking”.
And I don’t buy it for a hot second.

Is it a crime?

If only there were some sort of process to determine that.


Give me a second, I’m gonna try to imagine if Obama had said something like this …

— brain explodes —

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Process? It’s a simple question: Is crossing the US border without permission a crime or not?

It depends, as there is literally no chance you are unaware after this past month.