Trump Directly Accuses NYT of being “The Enemy of the People”

Laughable. The American way is to covertly spy on the press and their families.
It’s American to scrub White House public visitor logs.
The left would agree it is American for First Lady Melania Trump to take policy trips overseas with no press on her airplane. There would be no wailing.
It’s American to make fervent use of the Espionage Act to prosecute leakers and menace journalists. Obama’s use of the Act was greater than all other presidents combined.. So American that Obama. Until the curtain was pulled back.

You didn’t link to the source, which I will do. And if you’re looking at me to dump all over Obama, forget it. I have heard from friends in the working press that his admin. and the press didn’t have the best relationship. But he had more integrity in his little finger than Trump does in his whole body.

Well if you just want to look at outward showy integrity okay then.
He was emailing Hillary at home server email but telling the American people he found out about her private server the same time we did. Obama is a skillfull polished liar. Integrity my …

Richard Nixon called Washington Post “enemy of the people”.

Nixon was cool


They were handing them back their own protest signs that somehow were collected from them during the protest. Okay

All of the attempts to derail this thread by pointing to Obama or Clinton tells me that this is an indefensible position by Trump and many of his supporters.


Remember, Trump was supposed to be better than Obama in all aspects. When people deflect “but look at Obama, Hillary!” they’re admitting that Trump is no better at the things they didn’t like about Obama and Hillary. They are JUSTIFYING Trump’s bad behavior by saying it is like behavior they didn’t like from Ds.


Exactly. They are passively admitting Trump is no better than the people they have railed against. I’d argue he is far, far worse.


Absolutely. Add to this that “well, someone else did it” is not even a valid defense. If I’m accused of theft and walk into court with the defense “the previous defendant stole something,” I would rightfully be laughed at and declared guilty.


Bingo. And the more they bring up Obama and Clinton, the more we know they are losing the argument.

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The most important thing to note is that Former President Obama would never have said this.

Where are all your so-called quotes from? Why aren’t you sourcing them?

Man, that’s so true. I don’t think some people are able to figure that out.

If you’re unable to distinguish between a private citizen filing a doomed-to-failure libel lawsuit against the Post, and the President calling the 1st-Amendment-protected press a Stalinist slur, I… don’t know how to help you, Doug.

What was the reason for the surveillasnce?

Obama’s leak investigations went too far.

Again, Obama was asked about in the OP.

We both know it was a hypothetical, because the outrage would have caused the collective minds of Republicans nationwide to spontaneously combust. You’re continuation of deflecting to Obama and Hillary, which the latter was not in the OP, is little more than an obvious attempt to derail the thread and a discussion about what Trump has done here. Which makes sense, as it is quite indefensible.

Multiple times OP’s ask the what if Obama…

Posts follow discussing Obama. More posts follow, we aren’t discussing Obama. lol
I can only surmise the Obama loyalists don’t like to hear any Obama lies examples.

It almost ended when Obama suggested they quit listening to Rush, once.

They’ve traded places with the morons who defended everything Obama.

They’re not smart. They’re not independent thinkers. They’re not unbiased.

Just a 180 turnaround in integrity and honesty.

No, it only mentioned a hypothetical one time, because Obama was the most recent POTUS from an opposition party, and what Trump is doing and has done so frequently is far beyond the pale of comparison to any other previous President.

Like I said though, I get it. It is the only option some have to try to deflect here, since this is pretty well indefensible.