Trump denies hurricane killed 3k in puerto rico

Poe is in effect.

yes but is that really any better than our experts?

I know. It makes me sick. And he still wonā€™t shut up about it. Everything is all about him, even a natural disaster.

Like magic! Poof! 3000 people killed!
Heā€™s such a ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  idiot.

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Its almost like it takes months to find and count bodiesā€¦ they donā€™t just magically know right after how many died.

Pile of crud still going at it.

Instead of just arguing against the statistical method of calculating these deaths (if heā€™s gong to do that he needs a statistician to do it for him) he should be arguing that the statistical method was not used in Sandy or Katrina or any other Hurricane.
The death toll of 64 most likely is the figure that should be used to contrast to recorded deaths in those storms. If there is some reason for there to be an argument over how many deaths are caused by a Hurricane (presumably there is a reason or so many wouldnā€™t be working so hard to come up with higher figures) then it should at least be made public which number is comparable using methods used in prior hurricane death calculations.

Because heā€™s a sociopath. There is nothing else but him.

Squirrel! Obama said 57 states!

When President Obama said that he has been to ā€œ57 States,ā€ very little mention in Fake News Media. Can you imagine if I said thatā€¦story of the year!

What a ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  crazy piece of garbage.

Nothing can be the ā€œstory of the yearā€ with Trump, because almost every day he says something outrageous and stupid.

Unbelievable. THAT tweet is one he decided to leave the American people with on this day.

Heā€™s not even human.

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trump wants people to think obama saying 57 states is worse than anything heā€™s ever said or done. Good luck with that.

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All he had to do, though, is keep promoting that one thing that his base loves.

They donā€™t care about how stupid he looks.

Since Thursday, heā€™s tweeted about Puerto Rico as many times as heā€™s tweeted about Florence, not counting retweets.

Heā€™s got you on a puppet string. He is the soul of our world. And you are simply a hater of that very soul. He entertains us with your antics. He lifts his finger and the string from his knuckle to your hands moves rapidly. You type out your hate and hit send. His other finger moves. And your virtual torso flops downward to take a bow.


It just emphasizes that Obama is not like Americans. Obama was learning things that Indonesian Muslims are supposed to learn while American children were learning how many states there are.

You know simply misspoke, right? In one of the few times he even did that, he meant to say 57 stops on the campaign trail.

This is brought up over and over by people who turn around and support a congenital lying sociopath in the White House.


Nice example of Obamasplaininā€™

Umā€¦ noā€¦ he misspoke when he incorrectly spelled RESPECT.

He spoke methodically and carefully when he said 57 states. He did not know. He likely did not know the difference between a state and a territory since he campaigned during primaries in the territories. He never was taught.

If you honestly believe Obama thought there were 57 states then you are insane. Please get help.

Otherwise you are merely trolling.

Either way Iā€™m done.

This is literally what you people were running with, that he would hire the best people so he didnā€™t need to know anything. And heā€™s failing on exactly that. Why hasnā€™t he hired the best flunkys for this crap?

Heā€™s a total failure on basic stuff.

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