Trump Caves on Wall

So as usual its not Trumps fault but a shadowy cabal of globalists.

You give credit to Trump for every tiny success but refuse to hold him accountable for any failure. Why is that?

He’s not getting that wall. Read an article earlier today and honestly besides the costs from the article, I don’t think he has given any thought in regards to this being a logistical nightmare.
roughly 8 billion for concrete
3.6 billion for steel
12 billion for labor
Using eminent domain by buying private properties anywhere between 200 to 400 million
This is just under 24 billion dollars. Bad part about this, does not include maintenance after the wall is built. Not just going to build it and leave it.

So much can be done for the American people with this money instead of building a monument for a man under the guise of border security.

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The hilarious thing is the worlds best negotiator could have had $25B for the wall a year ago, but said no.

He could have bragged about getting the wall and bragged about figuring out the DACA issue.

But the world’s best negotiator has gone from potentially $25B to $1B-ish. And after the last CR he said he wouldn’t sign another. Yet he’s about to sign one. Nothing more than a paper tiger.

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You take a very simplistic one dimensional view of political effects. Why is that?

Lol at you libs always trying to distract from the real news. Thank god we have true journalists out there doing the real work.



I know the answer! But…I’ll let Paul_Thompson reply. His answer might differ from mine.

In circumstances like this I’m happy he’s feckless and easily manipulated.

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Slow news day.

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Soda or pop. Fridge or icebox.

You call it a fence. Trump calls it artistically designed steel slats.

Top Headline on right now:

"Up Against the Wall

“McConnell says GOP will punt on Trump’s border barrier to avert shutdown”

It is just me, or is fox starting to have a little bit of fun with Trump?

Because once Fox turns, the game is over.

Thanks for the chuckles. I don’t watch cable news but never tire of pictures of Tucker’s dumb face.

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The straight news people, e.g., Shep and Chris,have already done their eye rolls and fact checking, but our esteemed host is all in with Donny… along with folks like Dobbs and Pirro. That will never change, and the Foxies will always have a place to go to feel better if actual news leaks through to them.

If Trump is actually forced out of office, I imagine they’ll just abruptly change the subject one day to something/somebody else, and hope nobody notices.

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Yep, this is real news right here.

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Written by a guy named Tony Schwartz.


Tucker’s the only hard-hitting, objective, pure journalist out there anymore. Think what he could accomplish with just a little more fiber in his diet.

What’s the problem? They look like gender-neutral gingerbread people to me.

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For sure. I was fairly confident he’d be totally incompetent. But I had no idea he’d be this bad.

My biggest fear with Trump is the damage he’s done to our social and policital norms.

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Yep. Donald’s likely just the first act in a long clown show of idiocy.

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Trump is simply the culmination of 30 years of Republican media.