Trump Campaign: Sanders Is Now Front Runner

Yup- primarily about the Rust belt- bit he has to worry about holding Arizona and Florida as well.

The 2018 said the same thing that most off year election say, that the opposition party often picks up seats.

Women voters are neither turning against Trump in large numbers, nor will any pick up of significance (if there is any) not be way offset by the pickup in African American and Latino votes.

Hold on tight to your dreams though. Everyone should have dreams…

If they were accurate and Trump won, why can’t you guys accept it?

Nope. Florida is full of retirees who sure as hell aren’t going to vote for anyone who’s going to decimate their retirement income, which any of the front running Dems would do. And if Arizona is lost, it will be made up for by winning Michigan and Wisconsin again, not to mention Pennsylvania and Ohio.

this is pure fiction. like what adam schiff read to congress

the entire democrat party subsists on pure lying narratives

To me, spending that sort of money to piss off trump is just another example of TDS.

And a waste of money.

But hey, it’s not my money, so more power to Bloomberg. I guess.

You’re left lib.

The younger generation are loony lib.

He won’t need to. Pelosi sitting on the articles of impeachment means Sanders will be sitting in the senate trial instead of campaigning in the first couple of states where it would be crucial for him to win, show, or place to have a chance.

Nancy’s gift to the Master Gaffer, Biden.

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I’ve seen McCarthy parrot this around the news twice, it’s kinda…transparent.

And then the Warren campaign attempted to suicide bomb into the Sanders campaign.*


He doesn’t need to. Sanders wears his dirt on his sleeves.

I did as soon as Trump* surpassed 270. Why must you broadbrush and assume every Democrat has not accepted Trump*’s victory?

It’s lazy.

That’s what Bernie said…the last time around.

like what?

“My father was born in Germany.”




right! that never enters into their narrative for some reason, her telling the same lie lifelong to gain personal advantage

She’s been called out on it for many years, and had taken a DNA test. She admitted her falsities.

Trump* lies about where his father was born and his minions buy more of his mercy. Derp a derp.

Why would Trump have to lie where his father was born? How stupid does he think…never mind.