Trump Campaign: Sanders Is Now Front Runner


So which country will President Trump use this time to try to dig up dirt on a political rival?

I heard him and Kim Jong Un fell in love. Sounds like a good starting point to me

Bernie’s son was reportedly hired by Burisma, receiving $5 million dollars a year.
Supposedly there is a video of Bernie bragging about it.


Yeah no- Bernie isn’t the front runner. Biden is. Bernie has to win an early state and at the very least California on Super Tuesday.

Oh I’m sure they’ll dig up some paper he wrote in college 50+ years ago and say,… “See we told you he is a communist”…etc etc…


I’m thinking Saudi Arabia.

We’ll withhold troops and say that hey we’re worried about corruption in that country.


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Hey, do us a favor.

So is Bloomberg just wasting his money?

Not sure if his campaign is targeting other states as much as it seems to be targeting Colorado. Every commercial break on any show I watch seems to have Bloomberg ads.

Unnecessary. Common knowledge already says he is.

Fake News!

Socialist isnt Communist…

He would make for being a pretty moderate candidate in much of Europe. To conservatives he is just to the right of Mao.

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Please let it be biden.


He’s the candidate that trump has been so scared of that he literally tried to extort a foreign government to dig up dirt on him.


For Sanders (or Warren) to have any chance, one of them would have to drop out. I really don’t see either doing that- but especially not Sanders. Barring a midnight agreement for one to drop out and support the other, I think Biden takes this.

Bloomberg isn’t dumb. I think he knows that it is a real long shot to get the nomination. I think he enjoys pissing off Trump by running loads of ads.

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He won’t need to. The DNC will take care of him with…“super” delegates. You remember how this works?


Thanks. I wasn’t aware. I wonder if there’s anything else up the DNC sleeve to nominate who they want to nominate? “We” will see?

Like the money laundering of Foreign Aide through the Ukraine?:rofl: