Trump Campaign: Sanders Is Now Front Runner

So it’s not ok to support Trump because he lied, but Warren is given a complete pass when she does. Got it.

yeah “derp detp” she knew she was not indian because none of relatives were for generations.

she fooled everyone using a con invented by their own idiotic white guilt.

in some small way i think she deserves aome credit

trump doesnt build a career based on lying like warren does. i could give a damn where he said his dad was born.

i leave that to you to figure out

why would warren repeatedly lie on applications about being an indian over the decades?

oh right. to game the idiot leftists on co

and thats not her only lie either.

wheres her wapo list?

I already did. He’s a lying sack of ■■■■■

She was told by her relatives, so she went with that.

OMG! She has also lied about other things? Impeach!

That is full on ■■■■■■■■■
But in the eyes of his worshippers, Trump* is a golden god.

So its okay to ridicule her for something she lied about but fully support Trump* when he claims he didn’t know about the hush money to Stormy or any other of the other whoppers he tells on a daily basis?

Got it.

So she gets a pass. Got it.

sorry. all true. she lied all throughout her life

caught several times

your glaring double standard

You brought up his popularity, which is based on polls. You asked what’s he going to campaign on. He’s going to campaign on the same things he did in 2016, and the polls then had him losing.

Which polls?

Of course polls had him losing. Final polling was accurate in 2016.
Trump* can campaign on what he did in 2016.

“Whose gonna pay for that wall?” “WE ARE!”
“I’m NOT gonna do squat about ObamaCare.”

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All of the accurate polls that were correct but for some reason Trump* worshippers just can’t seem to grasp what the polling is actually a measure of.

If the polling had been accurate Hillary would be president.

Sigh. Double sigh. Triple sigh.

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That he’s an unabashed socialist for example.

Well, that’s not true.

He’s an unabashed democratic socialist. There is a big difference.

No, he saw Soviet Russia as the perfect model, he’s just a Marxist with a little re-branding.


Apparently you don’t understand the difference between polling and punditry.

The polling was correct; the pundits were wrong.