Trump bringing back troops from Syria to defend the southern border

Maybe he’s testing the analysis that ISIS are defeated in Syria. Any last few ISIS cancer cells, will want the US to remain to take out Assad. Expect another false flag chemical attack pointing to Assad, if any ISIS remain in Syria. If there is none… maybe we can confirm intelligence that they have, in fact, been defeated.

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16th dimensional chess…sounds like you arent sure if ISIS has been defeated. Better pull out to double check


Easy solution. Put the troops on the other side of the border. Problem solved.

Trumpophobia on full display by war hawk D.

I think it is a good move with or without D cooperation on Mexico border security.

Leaving Syria helps restore traditional regional balance.

Why would it need more troops? Defence is already tight!

LOL… They are getting through 100-150 at a time as ICE processes each and every one…

The illegal caravan crisis is solved.

Good job Mr president.

I didn’t bring it up. @Adam did in the post you replied to where you said he didn’t say anything. Which made me curious if you know what it is. Since you claimed he didn’t say anything in his post. So do you know?

Well at least somebodies happy.


So what does this tweet mean?

You have to withdrawal Syria to find out what’s in it. Like obamacare

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Trump told us that he was against the war in Syria in 2016. Nobody should be surprised at this move.

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yeah, but you see the difference here is that Russia loves Trump’s moves, and most of America, including many senior Republican and military leaders, think it’s dumb. But thanks for posting.

Lib war hawk!!1!1@@

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OMG, it’s like an 11 year old writes his tweets now. “ISIS hits us they are doomed”? ■■■!!!

Lib war hawks? Is that the new perception? Never mind the fact that war, the military, and all the money that military contractors (The Military/Industrial Complex) can suck out of the government has been one of the biggest focuses of the Republican Party for the last 18+ years. You guys and your use of the military is like an insecure guy who buys a Hummer. And you want to make it sound like the Democrats are hawks? Pfft. Get the ■■■■ out of here with that.


That’s why the Americans voted for Trump. He knows how to play heavy balls. If Congress does not give Trump a large border wall, he will find a way to protect the border. The military knows how to ensure security. They have received extensive training in firearms and other security aspects. Our army is so large that it can protect the border or occupy territory from Mexico. We will not do that. Or, if you like this idea, we could. Probably no. Who knows?

That was seemingly unnecessary, however it is the comic book language that the electronic media terrorists seem to grasp.

Don’t like the tough talk. Do like the exit from Syria.

ISIS is doomed

A lot of Sanders voters went for Trump in 2016.

The rigged D primary and anti war moves like this will help in 2020.

D can be war hawks too. THAT cost Hillary more votes than clever facebook memes.

that tweet was meant for terrorists!!?? LOL!!!