Trump believes another dictator

Except Trump didn’t do anything. He rolled over and played dead, basically.

That nothing Trump says will ever be applauded or appreciated. If he had destroyed the negotiations by answering the question by calling Kim a liar, or inferring Kim’s word was no good on the issue, the same people would damn him for it.

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He could have acted like a leader instead of a puppy dog.


On the fact that he shipped an american home to us in a coma?

He’s acting like a leader who is trying to negotiate peace with North Korea, which is more important than throwing people like you red meat, by calling Kim a liar and destroying the negotiations.

The right has become the party of love letters and ass kissing negotiations. Sad!

So you approve of trump believing Kim’s lies.

What if Trump bowed to him?

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I thought people like Trump because “he tells it like it is?” But now he doesn’t do that. Weird,

He didn’t have to call him a liar. And he didn’t have to say he believed him.

He could have said any number of different things. Such as:

"What happened to Otto was a disgrace and of course I do not accept or condone any foreign country torturing our people. However, we are here to seek a De-nuked Korea, so I am willing to put that aside and work on this issue. I would hope Kim would appreciate this extraordinary gesture on my part and commit to treating foreign citizens with lawful respect in while we negotiate and into the future.

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I think he expects the left to act like the right did against Obama.

“…nitpicking every little detail, from […] expressions, to his clothing, to the way he shook hands, and on and on.”

All topics here during the last administration.

So it follows then, in the Helsinki meeting last summer, that Trump saying he believes Putin over THE ENTIRE U.S. INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY was also a negotiating ploy? What was he negotiating? What concessions did the U.S. receive as a result of this shrewd maneuver? Why the hilariously clumsy walk back the next day?

10-dimensional checkers, man.

Kim someone who has his own death camps and had killed his own brother.

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He says he didn’t know his brother and I believe him.


and how well did those negotiations go?

Empty words. You support Trump, you support Otto’s death.

Until they take action to remove that orange piece of trash, they can pretend to care about dead Americans all day long to get votes. They could give two ■■■■■ that he’s dead.

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It would end the negotiations over denuclearization? That’s a pretty ridiculous assertion.

Trump didn’t need to say explicitly that he believed Kim’s explanation, did he? What did Trump get for saying that, versus simply not explicitly calling Kim a liar? You seem to think there was no middle ground for Trump. Trump has had no problem calling leaders of our friends and allies, even during negotiations, “dishonest.”

We dealt with Stalin when we had to. And he didn’t even have nuclear weapons at the time.

Did Roosevelt and Truman ever say the fell in love with Stalin?

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Murderous autocrat : Pretty good guy, I believe what he says. He’s rad.


^^ Bad. Ass. Diplomacy.