Trump believes another dictator

Obama bows, says he might have flexibility later : APOLOGIZING TRAITOR

Trump says he’s in love with Kim and believes Putin over US Intelligence : NUANCED DIPLOMATIC BRILLIANCE ON DISPLAY


Blow up what negotiations? He got jack ■■■■■ He was there to rub elbows with cool autocrats and get attention, but we were all watching Cohen. Meanwhile NK has nukes for the foreseeable future…

Trump is a loser. The Fart of the Deal. A fake. A con.


He’s a good guy and his people love him. He’s just trying to do what’s best for his people.

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Crazy, isn’t it?

The failure of the summit was that it didn’t draw attention away from Cohen’s testimony.

Santorum is a stinking lib!


Santorum works for CNN, so he’s a leftist Trump hater who hates America.

Long live Kim Jong Un! Long live North Korea. :north_korea:

Also, Kim wrote sweet love letters to me. The Best Letters!

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Too many multi-syllabic words. He would never, in a million years, be able to come up with such an eloquent reply.

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He won’t say anything that even requires thought.

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I don’t recall the President every publicly praising Stalin.

Like Ol’flexible whispering sweet nothings to Putin, and sending Iran pallets of cash?
Trump’ s got tons of sanction’s on the NK dictator. Clinton sent them money too.

It nice to see a leftist admit they have the history of dictators…

I love how people think Obama gave Iran money, when the money was theirs already.

Because there is nothing in between the two positions being laid out here. Trump had only two choices on how he could respond?

He could have said this.

“we are here to discuses denucearlization, other subject are not on the table”

Even non-Mexican oriented fast food restaurants have sold tacos. Mass production of this type of taco was encouraged by the invention of devices to hold the tortillas in the U-shape as they were deep-fried. A patent for such a device was issued to New York restaurateur Juvencio Maldonado in 1950, based on his patent filing of 1947 (U.S. Patent No. 2,506,305).

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There are ways, behind closed doors, to use such things as leverage. I know it’s Trump preferred style of negotiation to open his mouth and say whatever he thinks. Loudly and publicly. But a savvy, grown up negotiator, could extract his/her pound of flesh from Kim in private negotiations, without calling him a liar.

You’ll never see a situation where pundits completely agree. Did you notice, however, that there were many saying Trump was right Korea to leave without an agreement? And we’re not just talking the lovefest on Fox.

Other than constantly washing Kim’s ***** and his weakness on addressing confrontational topics (i.e. Otto), I actually liked how Trump handled yesterday.

The problem is he should have never been there in the first place.

You should study WWII before you make statements like that.