Trump attacks Sessions for Enforcing the Law

40% aggregate approval rating. If that continues or gets worse we’ll definitely be talking about “peaches.” Unless Mueller happens first, all that’s needed is the inciting event, such as firing Sessions.

I’d like to say this is shocking, but sadly its not.

I wonder if trump supporters are om with this tweet.

Trump should not be allowed to choose an Attorney General, or any other cabinet member for that matter. He has proven time and again that he does not understand the law or how government works. It would surprise me if he could even spell the word ethical.

The people in his cabinet should be appointed by Congress, it’s worth changing the Constitution just for this one dumbass.

None of this is Trump’s fault. It’s the fault of all the Republicans here that voted for him.

We all knew he was an immoral crook.

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We did not know how spineless the rest of the GOP would become.

He said good job which means he likes what Sessions is doing. What’s the problem?

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i’m telling you guys that many republicans are just like Trump. the base is probably worse.

This post was brought to you by the makers of LSD.

“LSD: when reality is distorted and you believe it”

Trump only cares about loyalty

Uh, he’s definitely writIng it for immediate consumption and propagation by his sycophantic basis, for whom his tweets are canonical. This is to fire them up into a frenzy with a laughably false narrative about what are no brained prusecutions of his political allies. If anyone else but him we’re doing this, y’all would be be apoplectic.

Trump attacks Sessions for Enforcing the Law

Mx. Reverend… A long time conservative Sessions fan. Like who knew?!

This “all about the win” mentality that has many not caring about the country as long as the party wins, can be pinned directly on Limbaugh et al. They have turned political discourse into a football game, where political partisans are as loyal and rabid and irrational as a sports fan.

Look at the degree of criminality in this administration and how many righties are OK with it because they “won”. Just like a football game. It’s sick and pathetic.


Something drops every day, yet he’s still there…

Both candidates would have proved that last election.

Wrong but keep telling yourself that


This is beyond messed up on every level

Oh no, Jeff flake is tweeting disapproval again before he votes for Kavanaugh and the door hits his rear on the way out. Bold.

Trumpsters read this tweet and cheer but don’t believe Trump asked Comey to let Flynn go.

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