Trump attacks Sessions for Enforcing the Law

I’d like to see a poll on how many Trump supporters believe that Trump never had an affair with Stormy

Hard for the MAGA crowd to spin this one, so i’m guessing they’ll ignore it.

It’s addressed to you.

He’s been laying the groundwork for ages now, to attempt to discredit any charges the DOJ might come up with and to give him cover when he fires Sessions.

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I wondered that myself. Does he not know who the boss is?

Now I know how trump managed to bankrupt himself so many times.

Hire people to do the exact opposite that he wants
Sit on his hands for months just bitching about it and not doing anything about it.

It is the same scenario he employs with Hilary Clinton,he bemoans the fact she isn’t being investigated whilst doing absolutely nothing about it. Sad

I agree with this as well. When Rush Limbaugh learned how to successfully tie a political party to Christianity, I knew we were in major trouble.

This is not a whole lot different then religions in other countries being tied to government.

Donald Trump is massively more corrupt than Hillary Clinton. You guys just had a sales job done on you that will go down in the books as one of the most masterful ever.

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His stupid ass supporters who eat this ■■■■ up, duh.


Yeah, ■■■■ him and his empty words.

Yeah, I give no credit to the lame ducks who “show a spine”.

I do give kudos to Ben Sasse. He doesn’t call Trump out as often as he should, but he does so more than any other active federal politician from the GOP.

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And no. I am neither fired up nor apoplectic. The apoplectic definition better fits “y’all”.

Did you really not know that he mean “Prosecutions” and made a type-o with the letter “u” replacing the letter “o” here? Or are you now acting as the spelling police? :thinking:

It does not bother you in the least that the President of the United States is using his bully pulpit to suggest that the DOJ should engage in partisan, selective prosecutions, or lack thereof, based on which party it may benefit for an election?

Wait, don’t bother answering that. We already know where you stand when it comes to Trump engaging in behavior that is designed to affect the outcome of an election in his favor. Unindicted co-conspirator says it all.

You aren’t upset that the POTUS thinks the DoJ should ignore crimes for political advantages?


At least you admit it I guess.

Prosecutions doesn’t work there either, as he has not prosecuted any enemies, so far as I know. He just got tangled up because he was trying to use the biggest words possible for the smallest meaning.

No, I mostly just wondered why he tweeted what he did. If he doesn’t want Sessions he should just fire him, not keep him and tweet about him.

Re-read his post. It makes perfect sense. Hunter and Collins are political “allies” and it is a no-brainer they have been indicted and are being prosecuted for their crimes.

I agree about what Trump should do. But as it has been pointed out repeatedly in this thread, the point of the tweet is to throw red meat to the base and to further try to discredit the DOJ since it is investigating and prosecuting all of the criminals associated with the unindicted co-conspirator himself.

I thought the point was to say the charges were announced just before the midterm, and could therefore affect the elections.

No. The point was explained to you. But I suspect you already knew the reason before pretending to not understand.

Also, there is this…

With a tweet complaining that indictments of two congressmen “by the Jeff Sessions Justice Department” put GOP seats at risk, President Trump guaranteed a confirmation minefield for any future attorney general, Jonathan Swan reports:

  • Trump tweeted, referring to indictments of Rep. Chris Collins (N.Y.) for insider trading and Rep. Duncan Hunter (Calif.) for misusing campaign funds: “Two easy wins now in doubt because there is not enough time. Good job Jeff.”

The tweet rattled even key Republicans:

  • A senior Justice Department official said: “It was a very concerning tweet. It shows how POTUS thinks DOJ should be used: As a weapon against enemies and a tool to win elections.”
  • Referring to the two congressional indictments, the official said: “Both cases are not even close, the facts are very bad.”
  • One of Washington’s most respected Republican lawyers said: “Like everything else, he shoots first and then asks questions later. So in his … mind he thinks he can find someone to take the job who will be confirmable and rein in Mueller. So he’ll force out Sessions and then find there’s no one who will take the job who the Senate Republicans can support.”

Why it matters: These Trump tweets will become litmus tests in the confirmation hearing of any future Trump attorney general.

  • The nominee will be asked whether they agree with tweets like this, and whether they agree with the president’s conception of the A.G. role — that it’s his personal lawyer, who ought to be indicting political enemies and protecting friends.
  • Nobody who answers those questions in a manner satisfactory to the Senate will satisfy Trump’s desire to replace Sessions with a toady A.G.
  • A top Republican knowledgeable about succession issues told Swan that the tweet “will almost guarantee as a condition of confirmation that the [A.G.] nominee pledge that he or she won’t interfere [with] Mueller.”

Be smart : This tweet tested the faith of some of Trump’s usually reflexively defensive supporters. Of course, the biggest diehards will stick by him. But he lost some who had already begun to lose patience.

  • P.S. Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.): “The United States is not some banana republic.”

Yes. And the same side saying this is no big deal now were crying foul when the investigation into Hillary’s email was announced right before the last election. Hypocrites.

You mean when she was indicted. For a laundry list of corruption charges. And then Obama attacked his AG all blocky for daring to do so because it would mess up the election.