Trump attacks McCain over dossier, Meghan McCain swipes back

Who’s going stop him?

No one in the service has an obligation to defend someone else that served in the military.
Just like civilians there are good and bad people in the military. There are people who have served with distinction in the service who returned to civilian life and did horrible things. Being in the service does not make you a saint.
Just because you served it does not make you a good and honest man.
I thank McCain for his service but I also have the right to disagree with things that he did after entering the swamp that is in DC.
It’s funny watching the left prop up a deceased man and defend him after all the horrible things they said about him while he was in office and during his presidential runs.

The deep state, I guess.

trump is the biggest ■■■■ stain this country has ever had.

He’s got the nerve to talk about someone who had served in the military, while his Daddy BOUGHT his deferments from a so-called doctor.

Those people really aren’t that hard to con. We just haven’t had a politician willing to go that low before.

It’s funnier watching the right defend and embrace a man who embodies everything they once claimed to abhor - incivility, immorality, cowardice, reckless spending, and cozying up to tyrants.


Remember when christian values and family values and acting presidential and fiscal responsibility was all the rage?


If they want to roll around in the ■■■■ with a pig that’s their choice, but they can’t feign shock when the rest of us tell them something stinks.


Remember when the left hated everything McCain stood for. Remember when he was immoral for cheating on his first wife and was said to have no Christian and family values by the left. Remember when he was a war monger and was going to start WWIII if he was elected president. Remember when he was to senile to be president.

Remember when you voted for McCain? Or at least the majority of republicans on this board.

The left is not the President of the United States.

By the way, are you ok with trump criticizing McCain at this point?

Oh, then it’s a good thing the Republican president is publicly trashing him on Twitter long after he has died. :roll_eyes:

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There isn’t one lie in that tweet and that’s why Meghan pulled the “love” card instead of denying it outright. And those that do deny it is because all they get is a constant stream of fake news!

He kinda, sorta did just now, but I’m sure he’ll be back kissing fat donald’s ass tomorrow.

Very courageous of him.


There is absolutely nothing courageous in that Twitter statement. Graham is utterly disgusting.



Someone needs to Photoshop him with an orange nose.


I voted for McCain. Just like all people running for President I don’t agree with every policy they have. I don’t have to worship them and agree with everything they say like many on the left do with their Presidents.
He was not my first chose but he aligned with my views more than Obama. I am old enough to realize that there is no one on earth who does not have faults and has sinned. But their sins are not my sins. Bush was not my first chose for President. But in the end I agreed with more of his policies than Gore or Kerry. Did I believe he was a saint without a past and had never sinned? No. We are all sinners and it is not my job to punish anyone for their sins. That is between the sinner and their God. If the person treats me fairly and if they can get a few of the things I believe in achieved than that is the person that gets my vote.