Trump and Puty Sitting in Helsinki - Dictator Summit Extravaganza

Pretty amazing to see Matt Drudge go with such optics, isn’t it?

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Oh that’s funny. :joy::joy:

I know there is a lot of garbage on Twitter, but I just ignore that, as there is a lot of really good stuff too. I’d love to know who is behind the RB account, but doubt we ever will,

In any case, their tweets speak for me most of the time.

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Who was crying wolf? The man constantly says things or acts in a way that would have totally disqualified most people from any important elected office. He mocked POWs and the disabled. He attacked the appearance of his opponent’s wife. He claimed another’s opponent’s dad was involved in the JFK assassination. He went after a Gold Star family. Time after time he showed himself to be a monster.


Maybe we needed to save our outrage for really important ■■■■ like Dijon mustard, tan suits, and the Churchill bust.

DOJ dropping a nicely timed bombshell…

Mike Pence is now the male equivalent of a Stepford wife.


I like it. :+1:

Here is an official statement from Ben Sasse.


And everything you mentioned here happened BEFORE he defeated Hillary in the EC.

Millions of people knew this already and still voted for him.

Great dealmaker

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Rep. Will Hurd (GOP, Texas)


True. And all of which are fair criticisms as well. But you and I both know there have been plenty of hair-on-fire meltdowns over inconsequential things too. From some more than others, of course.

But this is different. This has raised the bar to straight up crisis mode in my opinion. Trump has shown himself to be an actual traitor to this nation.

I always applied this to a book series I read…the kingpriest trilogy under the dragonlance banner. That eventually when a power becomes too powerful it will turn on itself to create new enemies.

And here we are…

Wouldn’t it be awesome if Ben Sasse, or someone just like him, was POTUS instead?

I can dream can’t I? :blush:


I guess you dont know pence…

It would be absolutely amazing. I can only hope now that someone like Sasse actually mounts a significant Primary challenge to Trump, one that is strong enough that Trump simply bows out and decides it is not worth it to run again. :pray:

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I thought I did…but perhaps not.

If there are two people who you can pin down as to who they are just by looking at them pence and trump are those two…

I’m sure you can find the rationale behind the law if you look for it.