Trump and First Lady tested positive for Covid-19

Show me.

This is incredible.

Would enjoy seeing Fauci join the discussion.

Reminds me of an Ernest Angley sermon…fire and brimstone and wrong wrong wrong.

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Do you remember at the end of June 2020, when Trump went out of his way to have a super-speader rally in Tulsa that experts and officials warned him not to hold for obvious reasons? The MAGA faithful made a huge show of not wearing of masks as a tribal sign of their collective alpha energy and their need to stick it to the libs?

Herman Cain was there. He was the guy who—toeing the standard GOP line at the time—had tweeted earlier in the pandemic:

He was a special guest at the Tulsa rally. And it was a big deal at the time, as the liberals were all in a tizzy about the flu, with the social distancing and the masks. But sensible precautions and care were for ■■■■■■■ and commies and RINOs. The President of the United States himself took great pains to avoid being seen wearing a mask and mocked Biden constantly about it. They even got pissed that Biden wanted to avoid close interactions at the debate. The cons here and everywhere else made a huge deal over sticking it to experts, the CDC, Fauci, whoever. ■■■■ those clowns!

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And 9 days after the rally, Cain tested positive for COVID. Then about a month later, he died.

At the time, I thought: Holy ■■■■■ This is so effed up. Like, this well-known guy and former presidential candidate got COVID and died after attending this gross rally that was held, in part, to poke the eyes of all the fretful libs in their face-burkhas, socially distancing like a bunch of cowards. Look at Biden! Holding outdoor rallies, with people in cars! What a ■■■■■■■ loser!

But the GOP didn’t blink. They still haven’t. Like this was totally normal. He was old! He had cancer! I’m not even talking in “Oh the humanity!” terms, but just the strangeness and obstinate stupidity of the whole series of events. Like, hey, it’s totally cool and fine and acceptable that this guy died after an unforced error. It’s still a bizarre and strange to wrap my brain around it.


Now Big Joey buried 300 a day and 600,000 and counting and…crickets.

China laughs…Russia attacks.


Forgot about this cereal box logic.

Yeah…leave and feel dirty doing it.


Especially Ukraine…

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It’s a paraphrasing of the gist of pretty much everything you have posted on the topic. One does not need to quote you verbatim to know what you are saying.

But I notice you have used this sideline to avoid answering the question that I asked when you took exception to the word “excuse.” Is that from the handbook?

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So you got nothing?

Nope. Because you still haven’t been honest about your excuses for Biden.


Lol. And again I’ll ask, “What excuses for Biden are you referring to?” And then you’ll come back with something about a “paraphrasing of the gist”.

So please. If I’ve made excuses for Biden in this thread PLEASE show me.

Nearly everything you post about him is an excuse for his poor performance.


They forgot how vicious and ridiculous they were to smear Trump before 2020 election.

It was a pyrrhic victory for them.

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Brandon is a Poxxer

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If he said that then he was wrong and rightly deserves to be called out on that.

He and Fauci also both ignored natural immunity with their attempted mandates.

This thread :crazy_face:
When Der Trumpmeister contracted the Rona, was treated and appeared on the tele the lib propaganda machine wet their collective selves.
Ol Folksy Feeble Joey appears in a slick blue blazer and freshly starched Oxford button down shirt on the Truman balcony and it’s the second coming!
The hypocrisy is mind numbing.
That said, I hope the old boy does ok. The alternative could be potentially catastrophic and ■■■■■■■ Newsome managed to get into the WH while J’Biden was out getting exposed to the virus and Slicky boy Gavin was measuring the Oval Office for drapes and furniture fer crissakes!


You’re using dead bodies to defend the oldest, racist, most incompetent president this country has ever had.


■■■■■■■■■ . Biden’s a relatively minor player in that story. Besides, is it “too soon” for your delicate sensibility? Yeah, right.

I recounted it because—to me—it was one the weirdest, dumbest episodes in American political history, in which a relatively high-profile political and rightwing media figure went out of his way to flaunt membership in a tribe of lunatics resulting in his unnecessary death.

Then, the same tribe ignores the obvious insanity of it and the utter contempt for low-hanging common sense (which I documented) and accuses anyone who acknowledged it—then, or now—of desecrating corpses.

Yeah, dad’s drunk all the time, but I’m the ■■■■■■■ for saying, “Wow, dad’s drunk.”

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