Trump and First Lady tested positive for Covid-19

Yes. It was two years ago.

And now when itā€™s your guy:

ā€œI donā€™t think that mattersā€

We all know how it works when itā€™s (D)ifferent.

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We didnā€™t forget.

Still a virus and Big Joey has killed twice as many as Trump.

By Dem standards.

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Rub their nose in it!

With a vaccine.


Eh, I just want to remind them of their views at one point that the apparently no longer hold when it comes to the President and his health in regards to covid.

They were absolutely livid when Trump had it, now itā€™s a great big meh with Biden. No ore shouts for contact tracing, where did he catch it, how dare his doctor not keep us informed, what treatment is he getting, OMG his age!!! blah, blah, blah.

Iā€™m so tired of their two tier system.


Iā€™m not comfortable calling it a vaccine.


No seriously! Rub their nose in it. The arrogance throughout this thing has been astounding. They have to learn.

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I donā€™t think the capacity to do so, is there.

  1. Skynluv was correct.

  2. Trump caught COVID in 2020 about a month before a presidential election after downplaying it, before a vaccine existed, etc. among innumerable other different factors two years later. Getting COVIDā€”well on its way to becoming endemicā€”doesnā€™t mean the same thing, have the same implications that it did two years ago, etc. So the coverage is different.

Addressing painstakingly dumb arguments like this makes me feel like Iā€™ve wandered into a room with a bunch of toxic solvents and chemicals in the air. I can feel my IQ lowering with each word and moment I spend in its presence, and as I decline into dotage, I canā€™t afford to lose any more points.




Yes, we know.

None of what yā€™all said about Trump applies to Biden. The President with covid is now a big meh.


Lol yea that Iā€™d why the coverage is differentā€‹:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: You would think losing more with a vaccine might shine a better light on cause and affect.

You are correct on one thing you canā€™t afford to loose anymore IQ points.


I completely understand.

We donā€™t call the flu shot a vaccine.

Yes we do.

So it is just like the flu.

Even though 300 a day are still dying. No political hay to make from them now.

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Itā€™s not accurate and why we eschew the term.

The most commonly used flu shots protect no more than 60% of people who receive them; some years, effectiveness plunges to as low as 10%. Given that a bad flu season can kill 50,000 people in the United States alone, ā€œ10% to 60% protection is better than nothing,ā€ says Michael Osterholm, an epidemiologist at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis. ā€œBut itā€™s a terribly inadequate vaccine for a serious public health threat.ā€

Ouch! :wink:


He all but promised ā€¦

ā€œGet vaccinated and you wonā€™t get Covid.ā€


Itā€™s still a vaccine.