Trump Administration held an immigrant child in a holding cell for 25 days with no bed or shower

Anything you say. :stuck_out_tongue:

Not really. Trump is a result of talk radio, fox news, and lastly the internet getting people enraged over nothing…each time pushing and pushing…

You will disagree but then you have been part of that problem…

Now we are seeing the dems follow suit

I mean we can look at Roy Moore run for Senate and how close that was. You had 49% or so vote for him because the policies they wanted where more important than him going after underaged girls.

Samething with trump…while it’s a bit more extreme now you could say the samething about bill clinton…the left didnt care because they got policies they wanted.least to a degree. You still had a gop led Senate.

This is just a fact of how things are…

How am I part of that problem? I don’t listen to talk radio; I rarely watch FOX News, and then, only the news commentary such as Special Report and Journal Editorial Report, and I did not vote for Trump.

The administration should be held responsible for not putting into place the adequate resources to handle the problem that they were about to create.

That is on them and there is no way in my opinion to be able to defend it.

Resources are provided by Congress.

The administration has been shifting resources around from other departments towards the zero tolerance policy.

The Dept of Homeland Security’s discrentionary budget is over $40 billion… I am sure they could have searched through the couches and found the pocket change necessary to provide some children some showers.

It was likely the best, healthiest, and safest home the kid ever had.

No more beds and showers for the children killed by the drone strike assassination commander and chief Obama and his administration.

Started by Bush… Both sides hands are dirty

Trumpster cruelty on display: “Those kids should be grateful!!!”

Trump and his cruel policies are a cancer on this country. We can’t vote him out soon enough.

Start arresting ice agents and anyone running these places

so you will join us in robust denouncement of the horrific practices of this administration as well?

And then what? Obama cages for the kids?

Obama cages.
Obama cages.
Obama cages.

The hive mind is speaking.

Obama cages.
Obama cages.
Obama cages.

You need to look to Congress for responsibility. There is a very good solution which is to fund more judges for faster processing and deportation rather than holding and ankle bracelets.

Govt at work… If we had a wall, they would not be suffering…

Deterrents work. I never told my child there would be a consequence unless I was willing to follow through. He learned very early on to take what I said seriously. He also learned he could trust me.

We have the absolute crazies on the left who want us to take in and support every Tom, Dick and Harry along with their extended families. They boo hoo that people illegally entering the country aren’t treated better than some of our own. And what do they do about it? Piss and moan, march and protest, blame Trump rather than protest where the source of their displeasure really lies: with the congress people who will not fund more judges to process faster.

We are overwhelmed and understaffed. Money needs to be spent on the judicial system to process and deport, not to house, feed and release into the streets.

Yes, their goal is to wipe out American culture in a flood of immigration…

White genocide