Trump Administration held an immigrant child in a holding cell for 25 days with no bed or shower

It keeps getting better

they also asked a 5 year old girl to sign away her hearing rights

I can’t think of a comment for the last two articles posted in this thread. You red hats are really ok with this?

I don’t really care. Do U?

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I think that anybody in jail should have a bed and access to a shower. And a hearing and access to a lawyer. At least within 25 days. (Oh, look the history of American jurisprudence agrees with me.)

“ICE was in a no-win situation”. I don’t know if a shower or a cot would count as a “win”.

The relative silence of Democrats on that issue was particularly bad.

Just the annihilation of everything that is strong. Libs do not thrive when the country is strong. The strong do not need libs.

So the kid arrived and is still aimlessly wandering the streets.

Oh… wait…that didn’t happen.

The kid spent the night in a safe place and the father picked her up the next day.

What a horrendous story.


Culture is not race. Racists see race in everything.

trump’s base DOES.NOT.CARE.

Define “American Culture”

Rock and roll and soul food…

What about knishes?

White genocide refers to culture.

No, it doesn’t.

So, now we have an invasion from Guatemala. They seem to have the same entitlement socialist attitude that ruined their home country.

it’s a neo-nazi term used to claim that immigration and such things will drown out the white race.

Are you a neo-national socialist? Is that how you know their irrational vocabulary?

you got me. No one could ever come across the term unless they were a neo-nazi.

Or they were observed with race, also…