Trump Administration held an immigrant child in a holding cell for 25 days with no bed or shower

Family Values

There is something particularly odd about the reasoning here. When confronted with a blatant failure of the administration to take adequate care of children that have become the concern of the State, it is really really weird to lash out at the “left”

Really really weird

By your logic then anyone incarcerated have zero rights and can be treated in any way possible because their actions or the actions of others have put them in that situation.

Your comments also make me believe you would be okay if these children were raped, tortured and murdered. After all its all the fault of the parents.

Its all part of the cult. There has to be zero tolerance of any criticism either directly or indirectly on Trump.

We see this daily on this forum, unless you are 100% in step with everything Trump says and does, or has said and done at any point in his life then you must be a liberal. I still have to come across a Trump supporter that can be intellectually or even politically honest when it comes to his administration.

The argument “they shouldn’t have come here in the first place” is so incredibly vapid.

They did and now their children are under the care of the American people. There is no changing that.

If someone is fine with this treatment, then they are kinda being a sociopath.


As usual you can explain more succinctly what I am trying to say. Thanks.

Basic human decency should ensure all of us are outraged at this.


They can’t be. They’re trapped. They would have to admit what they, Rush and Fox have preached for decades is all crap.

Heres the kicker, we have a private organization supervising private prisons and tasked with keeping them up to par. Private prisons need to be abolished and all their assets nationalized. Its extremely rare for me to advocate this position but ive held it for a long time.


Many of them are being drugged up as well. Sounds like der trumpengroper is rather happy about his concentration camps.

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Yes lets not blame der trumpengroper for anything, lets not blame the government for cruel treatment. Afterall, they are lawbreakers and deserve the punishment for breaking the law, cruel and unusual clause be damned.

Oh I dunno, reunite them with their parents or family and take them through the asylum process as they should according to treaty? Apparently to trumpists, treaties are “forced” on us so we can just disregard them at will.

Actually they love (an frequently cite) the treaties that restrict our rights and freedoms like the one that bans Cannabis internationally. It’s only the ones that protect rights and freedoms they have problems with

If you break the law you’re giving up your rights and freedoms. This is America.

I would say too many people in this country feel only what their propagandists tell them to feel.

Maybe we just haven’t heard of a death yet. Real journalists will report that stuff, not the Trump News Network.

So you think the kids should have been put in jails with their parents? How about the kids who were not accompanied by their parents when they were detained?

It’s easy to react emotionally when kids are involved, but the government has an obligation to enforce the law. ICE was in a no-win situation.

No I expect them to not be grabbed up and jailed during their processing. I expect when you throw kids into these camps you damn well better provide for them and not drug them. Even der trumpengroper knows that excuse is ***** and did not happen before. This was nothing short of mean spirited policy to satisfy his xenophobic base and private prisons. They were not enforcing the law as we have been telling you but you refuse to admit it. Yeah either stick em in concentration camps or shoot them its that damn black and white rolleyes Im tired of this wife beater nonsense. Republicans have shown they care more about their xenophobic base than justice by electing a scam artist, a draft dodger, and a tax cheat.

You have a vivid imagination.

What imagination? Hysteria guides R’s, both in philosophy, news reporting and governing.