Trump Administration about to limit access to citizenship for legal immigrants

If you aren’t a taker and have a job, in my world, you’re a maker. Don’t be so hard on people.

Its your bias. When libs talk about illegal immigration, they often just say “immigration”. Sometimes it’s just shorthand. But sometimes it is to make it appear that there is no difference in the issues between legal and illegal immigration. I know that those who oppose illegal immigration will sometimes fall into the trap of having a dialog with such libs about illegal immigration and the conversation ends up sounding like it is about all immigration.
The issues are separate and most who oppose illegal immigration are not thinking about legal immigration when they are discussing illegal immigration. Dont bother posting anecdotes that support your position. I know there are xenophobes. But the number is nothing like those of us who simply oppose illegal immigration.

I will say that while I support a reasonable legal immigration policy, I have strong views on the importance of assimilation into the country. It is often not done and I do not see the value to America of a little X-town within a city where X is some other nation and culture. When people segregate themselves by their native culture, the separation does not provide additional strengths that diversity is supposed to add. So their immigration to the US does not enhance the US. Yes… it’s easier on them but that’s not why we have immigration.

I am not going to post anecdotes since your counterpoint, while being really interesting is also merely an anecdote.

But let’s talk about the melting pot. I don’t believe that a person, a family, a group of immigrants who refuse to assimilate pay less in taxes, are not part of the consumer confidence index, refuse to believe in Christian values if suavtheyvare Christian, are more or less likely to be criminals.

What is it about assimilation that is so important? What is American culture? Can it really be defined with ease

E pluribus unum

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Thank you for the complete disclosure.

Regarding legal immigrants…
You are biased. Not every legal immigrant is like you. Not every country of origin produces as many “makers” as every other country. We need policies that work for our country.… and that means policies that can be applied to the great majority of legal immigrants with a result that is net positive.

There are distinctly different issues involving refugees. There a humanitarian element is added. But refugee discussion is not the same as illegal immigrant discussion or legal immigrant discussion.

No it cannot be defined with ease. But it can be observed. And it can be exemplified by a redneck in a straw hat or a woman with a hijab. And it is why people come here even if they don’t know it. Our culture has produced what you see when you look around you. It has produced what people seek when they bring their families here. There is very little in our DNA that distinguishes the people in one country from the people in another. We are distinguished by our culture… its elusive description notwithstanding.


Nicely said my friend.

I understand you want to screen but this country does. The immigration process wasn’t as easy as picking up and leaving it took years to claim asylum. I don’t actually mind that though i would change some things.

That being said makers is a weird term and highly subjective. There is nothing wrong with driving a cab, there is nothing wrong with cleaning schools. And yes those are jobs that americans can and will do but we are currently at what our economists define as full employment and this is with immigrants coming here daily

But All of this is way too simplistic. We are ignoring some important Factors.

More importantly though this country needs to face facts. Skilled population is here dropping. This is not because the money is going to immigrants. When liberals talk about spending more on education the counter is we already spend as much as most first world countries. So it can’t be a money issue. So what is it. Well let’s look at it through sociology.

We are living through what can be defined as post modern times. The millennial population and the one right before it are having fewer and fewer children. Birth rates among teens are down around historic levels (that’s a good thing but may also be a sign of something). This is a trend that may very well end if economic prosperity continues or a baby booms comes about due to severe loss of life. But as of right now we are trending Down and immigration may be an answer

I agree wholeheartedly and that culture can be identified with a single word though it can’t be described with a thousand - diversity. Let’s stay away from that what word has come to mean and its derogatory use because that’s exactly what we are diverse. A melting pot is not.

Like under the table or minimum wage workers? Because we need more of those.

I’m not seeing the problem. Seems like this would actually be at least one good way to address the deficit. Weren’t you complaining about the Rs not caring about the deficit recently?

Funny, I think the same about yours.

Government cheese doesn’t melt.

Depends on how you cook it.

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Sure as ■■■■ can spread that military cheese around liberally now cant they

There’s no such thing.

No. It doesn’t melt.

Not sure our metaphors are on the same page.

lol ok…you believe that…

Just beat the clock!

Are they likely to become public charges?

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