Trump Administration about to limit access to citizenship for legal immigrants

Deceptive post title. The Trump Administration, from the linked article, is planning to tiren restrictions on legal immigrants who have used various public assistance programs—not all legal immigrants.

It was, at one time, a rule if someone sponsored someone for legal immigration, that individual signed an agreement they would not allow their sponsored to collect public assistance should they fail to support themselves. Once becoming a permanent resident, sponsored & his/her sponsor could not get welfare benefits for them for 10 years.

I’ve mixed feelings on the issue. On the one hand, once a lawful permanent resident, sometimes those individuals fall on hard times & should be able to get the same temporary assistance as others. On the other, “Give me you’re poor, tired, huddled masses yearning to breathe free” was never intended to bring in those who would nort or could not support themselves.

Perhaps section of immigrants should look not at conditions they’re leaving behind, but at what they can do to support themselves once they’re here.

“What is it about assimilation that is so important?”

How about not being forced to accommodate numerous language barriers—even on tests like drivers license exams & voting ballots?

How about obeying common laws & not asking for a cultural defense should one murder his daughter for “becoming too westernized”?

Just a point of order, it does not say all in the thread title.

Forced. Anyway, you have a right to a jury of your peers and the ability to defend yourself anyway you wanted. I mean the Twinkie defense. I guess that’s pretty American. Except the Twinkie defense worked… honor killing did not

I’m in over my head.
The twinkie defense?

From the article referenced in the OP:

“Immigration lawyers and advocates and public health researchers say it would be the biggest change to the legal immigration system in decades and estimate that more than 20 million immigrants could be affected. They say it would fall particularly hard on immigrants working jobs that don’t pay enough to support their families.”

To me, that raises the question of why have we allowed 20,000,000 immigrants into this country who are not capable of taking care of themselves? What possible benefit to the country could there be in that?

The guy who shot Harvey Milk used the twinkie defense (junk food made him do it) and the jury acquitted him

That’s not what it means. 20 mil people who at one point or another may have fallen on hard times. It is not that they cannot take care of themselves. A variation of your position was already discussed.

Mine’s not a metaphor.

Remember the Proof of Support?

Yes. I have sarcastically argued in the past that i am ok with unlimited migration. I am not. I am fine with vetting. I have a problem with merit based immigration policy but that’s for another time. What I am trying to impart is that restrictions and proof of support are fine but also falling on hard times is fine, as long as the person stops eating that cheese.

Why for another time?

You and I discussed it. My point is always that I am ok with people coming here even if they are not skilled. Especially younger families. They may or may not have kids but to me the fact that you pick up and leave your country shows something about the person’s “bootstrapiness.”

Punish people for buying health insurance :laughing:

How does buying subsided health insurance prove you can’t support yourself.

how is buying subsided heath insurance and using legal tax breaks mean one can’t take care of themselves?

You can use any defense for murder, doesn’t mean it will work.

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That’s what I was wondering. My ex-wife is a resident alien and while the thought does provide an evil giggle, I actuality I don’t think she should be deported because we qualified for earned income tax credits years ago.

Again, from the article:
“Immigration lawyers and advocates and public health researchers say it would be the biggest change to the legal immigration system in decades and estimate that more than 20 million immigrants could be affected. They say it would fall particularly hard on immigrants working jobs that don’t pay enough to support their families.”

So you are correct, it would seem to be not the entire 20 million. I should have limited my statement to those “immigrants working jobs that don’t pay enough to support their families”. That subset would not be the sort of immigrant we should be allowing into the country.

Something perhaps, but not necessarily a lot.