Trump 2024 VP Pick?


Oh please DO ITTTTTT!


We sure dont need “Momala”!

I wanted Uncle Tim to get it. :frowning:

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I don’t get it?

I want so bad for Trump to do this.

19 second mark through whatever you can handle without throwing your computer across the room.

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Ive been thinking for a while that Trump should find and Independent or respected democrat to run with. There was a time I thought him and Mansion would make a good ticket. But then Manchin cave to Bidennomics

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Ah, got it. Thanks. I call her Fweedom-after her lie.

That’s disgusting. How are these people alloowed to walk around without adult supervision.

It was mean to remind Fweedom she’s not ever going to be a mother.


SanPancho in the remarks said that “Momala” means “Suck it” in Spanish. How fitting!

would be a great debate

2% gabbard vs 0% harris.


Pretty close. Close enough.

Debate? :rofl:

Actually, that’s mamala, but close enough. :wink:

He would lose more votes than he would gain especially with a dem VP.


If he chooses Haley as vp tomorrow i think he can have a 1984 Reagan type of landslide.

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More like a mudslide …


Well those are delicious headaches :tropical_drink:

Why would he want a birdbrain for his VP?

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He needs yo pick someone who will continue the restoration of the federal republic enshrined in the constitution, if the CIA JFKs him. And someone who will choose cabinet members dedicated to the same, if he is deep sixed. The last thing the US needs is a VP sympathetic to or afraid of the deep state and their republic-subverting agenda. So that cuts out Nikki Haley and perhaps (ex CIA?) Ron De Santis.

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lol. nice try.

he has said though she would have some place in the admin. so yay right?