Trump 2024 VP Pick?

i agree but it doesnt leave many choices

i’m still pretty convinced though that he will not be getting back into the WH. they’ll turn the country upside down if they have to, and that’s assuming he’ll beat the rigs

“Final four: Trump drops four names when asked about highly anticipated vice presidential pick“

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i was hoping for vivek because he’s too sharp for the ■■■■■■■ media and press, period. win or lose i’d love to see him make kamala look like the loser poser she is

he is convinced btw that they will replace biden at the convention (and he keeps mentioning Michelle) and that’s why they put the first debate so early

How so?

You are not smarter than Nikki Haley.

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Good Lord! The zealotry! The fanaticism! The purity!

Do we find Trump II in the kingdom or do we simply name his first born son?

Ben Carson is 72.

Vance called Trump “America’s Hitler” and “Cultural heroin”. He also does nothing for Trump with the electorate.

Stefanik is interesting. I don’t know who she helps with other than the Karen vote.

Rubio is ineligible.

Names Trump drops in May are not much value. He likes to think he shocks the world.

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Why nice try? What’s the issue with her being vp?

That’s what he called her i am pretty sure.

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Amplifying then. Got it. Thanks.

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I agree. We don’t need someone sympathetic to the deep state.

Nikki Haley would fall into that category as well as being a warmonger imo.

A John McCain clone.

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I don’t know that i entirely trust Vivek.

There’s just something about him.

He talks a good game.

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How about Don Jr?

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Nice! :joy:

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LOL I mooted that once before. I bet its crossed Trumps mind.

Though whenever I think of Don Jr this image comes to mind :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

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It depends on the V.P.
Sometimes a (former)VP can choose to nuke a couple of cities.

I’m hoping for Tulsi.

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none of it’s really going to matter. never does

oh it just seemed like you were making the pitch for her again.

she’s too much of a bush MIC republican, like Cheney, etc. think back to how bad you used to hate them.


shes a climate change lefty. would be interesting for sake of “election” tho