Trump 2024 VP Pick?

By nobody’s definition is 3-6 feet “staying away” from other people. Nobody should have been fooled by that. But staying 1000’ or even 100’ … probably less … away from everyone else virtually guaranteed that you would not catch it. Distance does work.

How do you know? How do you know why some people did not get infected or got only a minor case because the viral load was very small?

The farther apart we stay of each other, the better we get along. :+1: :wink:

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Nope…the trajectory never changed. Which policy do you think made it keep going up?

Trajectory? What was the trajectory before Biden took office?

That’s a lie.

Biden did nothing.

Nato specifically. A case could also be made the economy would be in the exact same position if Trump had won in 2020.

because science.

every singl study shows that

cloth masks were completely ■■■■■■■ useless
surgical masks were almost completely ■■■■■■■ useless
n95 masks, when worn properly were effective.

the problem is, that to wear them properly, after donning it, you have to change the mask every time you move it. You can’t take it off and put it back on. You can’t lift it up for a quick breath and then put it back. You can’t lower it to eat and then put it back on. and NOBODY didn’t do those things

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Only for the designated 3-6 feet of separation.

Furthermore, you are mixing mask use. The cloth and paper masks are to retard the velocity of infected particles (saliva and nasal mist) to protect others, not yourself. The N95 masks are to protect the wearer of the mask. Most of those have a valve to make it easier to breath out … which releases contaminated moisture which can potentially infecting others. It seemed that repeated attempts to educate the public on mask use never worked.

Sure, if you wear your super spiffy no covid rose colored glasses.

Show one study that attributes the inflation during Biden’s term to Covid.

Looks like the libs successfully derailed this thread.

Which undoubtedly was their plan.

Well, admittedly, someone might make a lucky guess, but not one of us has a real clue who Trump will pick. :wink:


How Trump damaged science — and why it could take decades to recover
5 Oct 2020 — “This is like a flu,” he told a press conference on 26 February. In a TV interview a week later: “It’s very mild.”

didnt kill dog; ate dog.

i eat cow, never killed one.


for most who got it he was right.

but thats for another leftist authoritarian thread

latest odds

Burgum now chalkie 9-2
scott has done nothing wrong 5-1
Vance also has said and done the right things 6-1
gabbard dark horse former dem, but now a trump toady 8-1
rubio “little marco” has been humiliated and still standing 9-1

and a couple of longshots

stefanik, An also ran when it comes to the veep stakes 18-1
Carson ditto 19-1


Ah…let a farmer do the necessary work and claim virtue. Good idea.

We don’t really have a clue who he will pick.

There’s 2 or 3 he will not pick though.

That we can rule out.

Haley, Noem for a couple.

thats the trick. pay for services rendered. the American way….
i dont grow bananas, i pay someone to do it.
