Trump 2024 VP Pick?

What would Biden (or anyone) have done differently?
Trump promoted rushing through a vaccine and made sure hospitals got the equipment they needed.
Biden claimed he had a plan but he lied. He just carried on with the plan already provided under the Trump administration.
I got mu first shot under Trump and my second under Biden. In exactly the same location by the same people.

Did Biden have some great plan on a national scale? When asked if businesses should shut down, he said that was on the governors. Trump would have been crucified by the media for saying the same thing.

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Since thousands can die in flu epidemics, “mild” had to be inserted there to save the narrative.

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Leaving out the consequences if covid is kind of cheating, but yes, the country is better off today than 4 years ago.

How so? What specifically is better?

Inflation hadn’t even peaked until mid 2022.

Our alliances are stronger, our retirement accounts are higher, oil production is higher. I don’t think things are great, but we are improving.

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What an utterly ignorant statement.

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EXACTLY! The virus was going to do what it ■■■■■■■ did and frankly the virus didn’t give a rat’s ass who the ■■■■ was sitting in the White House!

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Please quantify the statement “our alliances are stronger” and how that is felt by the American people in their daily lives? Regarding the retirement accounts, i.e. the Market one can make the argument it would have been that case no matter who is president, unless you want to credit reckless government spending then one must also blame that for inflation. Regarding oil production, it would have been likely considerably higher under another four years of Trump.

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Yep … due to Biden policies.

What fantasy world are you living in?


Goodness gracious. You’re going to wet the bed.

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I couldn’t disagree more.

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It still hasn’t.

:rofl: What “alliances”? Hamas?

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Wrong. Distancing is nearly 100% effective for almost every communicable disease. And masks, even the common cloth or paper surgical masks, can reduce the distance over which transmission of airborne diseases can occur because they greatly reduce the velocity of expelled infected particles.


the actual science shows that social distancing (at least under fauci’s model) was useless. staying 3 feet away had no difference than 6 ft. even fauci admitted that. and although the only study I’ve seen says that even did not matter, it was a study with school children who were less likely to get Covid anyway, so I accept that 3 ft was likely better than nothing.

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anecdotal ■■■■■■■■■

Masking was completely useless, distancing not much better.

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It was 6 feet for adults, double arm interval.

Social distancing is a good thing. It should not be mandated.

Glad we could agree.