Trump 2024 VP Pick?

You’re welcome.

Great choice…but I doubt it will be a woman.
He had too much greef comming from women…no…wont be a woman.

It will be someone 47 is confident will, into the subsequent eight years, energetically and single-mindedly lead the conservatives in federal government to undo the multi-layered corruption of the federal aparatus that has taken decades to institutionalise. There’s a hell of a lot to dismantle and restore to the original successful vision of a balance between individual freedoms and social responsibility, and government of the people by the people FOR THE PEOPLE




Right on the money! :grinning:


vivek with trump a lot lately….

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“stefanik”. really???



He needs the women vote.

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No idea where that list came from.

My front runners in that list would be Tim Scott or Kristi Noem.

No telling who Trump is actually considering however.


I wouldn’t like it to be a woman on the Trump ticket.
Trump likes to be in total charge and he throws orders and his opinions without much finese and tact. He is a poor team player, I can’t see a strong independant woman tolerate that.
That ‘marriage’ wouldn’t last a day.
And Nikki…? Neah…Plus that voice, the voice that can strip paint…OMG.
Would be painfull listenning to that and those nowhere-to-be-seen rasor-thin lips…?
Please no.
Tim Scott for now. :ok_hand:

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True but I don’t see Trump sucking up to noone especially women.
Also his Mrs…she strikes me as a jelaous woman.
Plus women voters …I don’t think they’d be impressed and moved by the choice. They’d say… 'see…he wants a woman to order and push arround '.
And Nikki…? No. No man in his right mind would pick that one after what she did to Vivek.

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I think Stefanick has that NY attitude that will help Trump more than Noem. I am concerned Noem might get the Palin treatment.

Scott and Ramiswami are helping as solid supporters.

Will be interesting!!!

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still thinking its a non disabled milquetoast white guy, submissive to the almighty Trump. pence was perfect. you want a non threatening toady.


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I think we have to remember that Trump does not think like a normal politician. I suspect this time he will be less likely to listen to his team and just go with his instinct.

It could be someone no one has considered yet.

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i see the media is already throwing cold water on stefanik

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So since she says one of the requirements is experience as a Commander in Chief, I guess he’ll have to pick Jimmy Carter as the only one alive and eligible.

she has something that starts with a “v” that is an automatic disqualifier.

sorry. i know you like her. but she aint for trump.

the choice will be a white male, i would bet a large sum of reputation points accumulated over the years.
