Truckers protest Abbott

See the link above re: what they have found so far.

I understand that you bought it, but Abbott’s stated “intent” is meaningless. The only thing that matters is what he’s actually doing - which is mechanical inspections.

Come on down and find out.

Reasonable suspicion

So drug and migrant smugglers are already subject to random safety checks by TX state patrol. Why would they put the drugs - or people! - anywhere near the components of a safety check?

But hey, we seem to know the answer - they have inspected 3,400 trucks and have not mentioned any drugs or migrants found.

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More importantly, the are subject to CBP inspections - which do have the authority to inspect cargo.

We do what we want.

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Of course, by all means. I wouldn’t dream of trying to stop you, this is the type of entertainment I enjoy.

I assure you, we’re loving it. I hope you guys keep electing these clowns for as long as you can.

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What you want to do is slow inbound traffic to a crawl while inspecting every truck for brake lights and what not, while pretending to be searching for drugs and migrants even though you aren’t allowed to open the trailers up.

3,400 trucks inspected and a not a single key bump or landscaper discovered.

Go Texas!

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Just more small government conservatives cheering for unnecessary inspections that can’t possibly deliver on what they claim to be interested in, gumming up commerce for the nation.

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You think this is new? Damn. Idaho DOT would love to have a word with you at the next weigh station.

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The only thing “new” about it is the requirement that every truck going across the border be inspected.

…while claiming to be searching for drugs and migrants.

So? You want to argue that some of those trucks are not the hazards they are? Safety regs in other countries leave something to be desired. You also don’t get to argue they don;t have to follow the same regs that truckers here have to follow in regards to mechanical safety in order to traverse the roadways, which is what this comes down to. They get a free pass to drive possibly dangerous vehicles that can cause accidents and possible deaths but the citizens are regulated to the ends of the Earth.

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Sure, i can get on board with all that, but don’t you think they ought to ramp up the staffing so as to not create 30 hour back logs?

And also, if that was his intention why does he claim they are looking for drugs and migrants?

Ask him. I don’t work for him.

You sure are defending him as if you did.

I was defending the policy. If you want to know HIS reasoning and thought on it and expect me to divine that info for you, you will be waiting as long as I have for Schiff’s irrefutable proof.

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Holding up goods coming from Mexico and hurting their businesses could be his reason to incentivize Mexico to be more diligent in securing their northern border.

TJ’s Feds are doing absolutely nothing to stem the flow of illegals and lethal fentanyl that is coming into the country, so Abbott is at least doing something!

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Texas businesses are being hurt, too.

These inspections, while costing Texas businesses millions of dollars in delays, have resulted in exactly zero drugs or illegal immigrants being discovered.

What exactly is the “something” that he’s doing?