Truckers protest Abbott

Oh well, since they found nothing in such a short time, guess we should ditch it.

Can I use that low bar for other things? I have a few things this admin is doing that could stand a review with this standard.

Needs repeated.

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He said it was to stop drugs and migrants.

Yes. Because the reasoning behind it is a lie.

They haven’t found anything because they’re not actually allowed to look for anything, other than mechanical issues.

And? Stop asking me to give you his thoughts and reasoning. I don’t speak for him nor will I assume his thoughts and reasoning…

OK… We will just have to continue to find the fentanyl in the interior of the US and deal with the deaths it causes because Abbott didn’t find any in the past 2 weeks.


You don’t have to assume. He told us.

Does it make sense to use a policy that can’t find drugs or migrants to try to stop drugs and migrants from entering the country?

Does it make sense to start checking every truck for wiper blades and brake lights without ramping up staffing to avoid hurting american businesses’?

I’m all for safety checks, just don’t pretend they are to stop drugs and migrants. And for goodness sakes, staff up if you are going to increase them.

By all means, let’s address this problem.

BUt let’s not pretend checking air tire pressure is the way to do it.

I don’t know how many times this needs to be repeated - they’re not actually looking for fentanyl.

It’s all a lie.

Yes. Exactly.


You had your chance.

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If he told you, why do you keep asking me to tell you?

I signed up for punching Mexicans in the face and joe I have to pretend to be happy with some fid it tickets.

You’re the one that was addressing his failure in finding it. I was just commenting on that issue in genetsl. I’ve never said they were looking for it.

why would you want that? What good does it do for texas or the country?

I’m asking you why you support the poiicy that does not achieve the goal you are interested in.

Cuz they love them some performative trolling

hooray for government getting out of the way of businesses!