Trey Gowdy Buries Spygate

And the son and the campaign manager were made aware as a premise of the meeting that it was a part of Russian government policy to help Trump get elected.


Well, thank goodness they did not send “spies” into the Trump campaign. And additionally thank goodness that they did inform Trump that Russia would try to infiltrate his campaign and to be on the lookout and report anything suspicious they see or hear with regards to Russia.

A secret cabal? What? Assumed Trump himself was part of some Russian conspiracy? Where do you get this hyperbolic nonsense from? Reality and facts belie your wild accusations.

Did he? Do you have a link so I know what you’re referencing here? And if this was the position of Trump, why has he done a complete 180 on this now, because that is obviously not his current, or long-held, public position here at all.

Again, they DID inform him. And what did the Trump campaign do after receiving these warnings, they ratcheted up their contacts with Russians. So no, the assumption Trump would have worked with them to expose any Russian infiltration is completely destroyed by the very behavior of the people in the Trump campaign that did the exact opposite of what you suggest, after receiving their warning.


Two years later, we still don’t have any proof that any of their assumptions were realized.

If their desire was to prevent any Russians from infiltrating the trump campaign, they would have contacted Trump, and worked with him.

Instead, they assumed Trump was likely a traitor, and were seeking to catch him in the act, so to speak. They proceeded to use the power of the government’s DoJ and our intel community to move against Trump, keep him in the dark and spy on his campaign.

If they would have worked with Trump, this entire ■■■■ storm would not even exist.

You start off on the wrong foot, of course they contracted at least one person who was an FBI or CIA operative, to spy on Trump’s campaign and report back what he found out. We know this as fact. They may have sent more than one operative to spy on his campaign.

They did not come clean, and work with the Trump campaign. They did not show the evidence to Trump that they had on Popadopolus or Page. a passing comment about Russians is not even in the same ball park as working with Trump.

If they did not suspect Trump was involved, why keep him in the dark, considering the huge potential for negative political ramifications of conducting a covert investigation into a presidential candidate???

Did they, or did they not keep a tight leash on this, with only a few people knowing what they were doing? What was Crossfire Hurricane, besides a song title??

Only about five Justice Department officials knew the full scope of the case, officials said, not the dozen or more who might normally be briefed on a major national security case.

I’ve tried to find the quote, but the web is a maze with this topic. I do remember Comey saying that Trump said he wanted the investigation to continue, because it was a good thing to find out if anyone in his campaign was guilty of conspiring with Russians.

Yep. Trey Gowdy, if taken at his word, which posters seem to be willing to do, said this spying had nothing to do with Trump. That being the case, there was nothing but Trump hatred that prevented Trump from being informed. The investigators involved in this should have recused themselves for their biases.

Assuming Gowdy is right, I am still waiting how you go from finding two people worth investigating to a special counsel for the entire campaign.

Exactly, if they did not suspect Trump of being a traitorous SOB, conspiring with the Russians to steal and election, why not inform him, and work with him to uncover anyone potentially spying or colluding with the Russians?

But, to the small circle of people involved, trying to keep the Russians out of our political campaigns was secondary, to working against Trump, it’s just that simple.

Do you have any proof Hillary would be informed or just stating an opinion?

Well, with all due respect, he’s wrong. The first thing they do is inform Trump that one of his campaign workers might be working with the Russians, as either a spy, or at the very least they have become a security risk.

You’ve been listening to too much Rush and other “Spygate” scandal mongers.

Law enforcement does not inform an employer if they suspect an employee is engaged in criminal misdeeds. They INVESTIGATE! How in the world could you come to any other conclusion?

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Exactly, if they did not suspect Trump of being a traitorous SOB, conspiring with the Russians to steal and election, why not inform him, and work with him to uncover anyone potentially spying or colluding with the Russians?

Because that is NOT how law enforcement conducts an investigation.

Why is this so hard to understand?!?

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Trey Gowdy, if taken at his word, which posters seem to be willing to do, said this spying had nothing to do with Trump. That being the case, there was nothing but Trump hatred that prevented Trump from being informed.

This is NOT how law enforcement conducts an investigation. You know this. I am not sure why you people cannot grasp this. It has NEVER been the way that law enforcement operates.

I can only guess that blind sycophancy is what is causing what I presume to be reasonable people from adopting such stupid stances.


[quote=“Thirstyboots, post:48, topic:1275”]
Do you have any proof Hillary would be informed or just stating an opinion?
[/quote]Pure speculation, my friend.

You do think the FBI and CIA were concerned that the Russians were involved in influencing or hacking our election, right? Did they show concern for Hilary’s campaign? Of course they would have, especially after the email hackings.

So, how do you think they responded with their concern for Hilary’s safety? Did they do so in the same way they did with Trump, by sending in spies to mingle with her campaign staff, issue national security letters, or conduct FISA surveillance, as a way to protect her?

So, either they gave her the same treatment as Trump, or they openly worked with Hilary and her campaign, to protect her. Which do you think it might have been?

I seriously doubt the FBI and CIA were only showing their concern for Trump and his campaign? So what did they do to protect Hilary?

  1. They did warn him that russians would try to infiltrate his campaign.

  2. Why would they enlist the boss of the campaign (trump) to help ensnare his own people? a) They didn’t know if trump was or was not involved. b) Why would you assume trump wouldn’t warn his people given that he hand chose them, liked and respected them c) Trumps job was to run a campaign. not play FBI agent. Why would you compel a citizen to take up this endeavor? makes no sense.

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Passing on a simple warning, is not the same as openly working with his campaign, and making him aware that at least two, or three people were suspected of either spying for, or conspiring with the Russians.

I think you have a TV movie of the week impression of investigative work. You think they should enlist the help of a man who, frankly, doesn’t have a great reputation for honesty, to help them crack the case…It is just is so silly.


With all due respect, he is permanent member of the HPSCI and has seen and reviewed the original documents of this investigation.

I am going to take his word over yours


Why would they tell him that???

They don’t know where this thing is going, and how would they know they could trust trump not to tip off the people he knows, likes and respects (and maybe, just maybe, is related to)?

Let’s be honest - trump doesn’t have a reputation for being honest, or close lipped - why would they think he wouldn’t tip off his buddies? Intentionally or not.

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So you are saying Trey Gowdy is full of it then? I will humbly disagree with your assessment here.

It was in the early stages of an ongoing investigation. Why would they share their work with people whom they did not know what role they would possibly play eventually in said investigation? That makes no sense whatsoever. Completely devoid of any semblance of logic. Why would they have named names when they did not have a full picture developed yet?

They did not keep him in the dark. They warned him. And he, along with the rest of his campaign, ignored the warnings.

Of course it was held close to the vest. Because they had no clue what the investigation could uncover. They did not want to affect the outcome of the upcoming election. This right here is just more proof of the fact there was NOT some deep state attempt by the FBI to prevent Trump from winning. The fewer that know, the less likelihood of a leak. And with the investigation in such infancy, it would make zero sense to reveal to everyone in the bureau what was being looked at.

That’s fair. So, why did he change his tune then? :thinking:

Try using a little common sense, and deductive reasoning.

I’ve never heard from anyone, that the FBI sat down with Trump and laid out their evidence and concerns that some people, Page and Popadopolous, in his campaign may be working with the Russians, and asked Trump to work with them. I’d love to see a link of Comey’s testimony, where trump refused to work with them in regards to Page and Popadopolous.

The only people during that campaign to turn down the FBI’s request for cooperation in an investigation, was the DNC. They refused to work with the FBI and allow them access to their email servers.

Well, not only is this statement false on multiple levels, but I gotta ask, why would the DNC refuse to cooperate with the FBI and the CIA when we all know that the FBI was part of the deep state plot to submarine Trump?


Why would they do that???

You are making up some weird protocol about contacting the employer if an employee is being investigated. That’s not a thing. ESPECIALLY since they didn’t know if the employer was involved in the crime.

Putting aside the insane fact that there is no reason for them to trust trump, WHY WOULD YOU WANT TRUMP TO HELP THEM???

That is not his job. He was trying to get elected. He didn’t have time to play cop.

Honestly, you are writing a bad made for TV movie…

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