Trey Gowdy Buries Spygate

I disagree with Gowdy. They should have worked with Trump. When a presidential admin spies on the opposing political candidate for president, you better believe it is a stupid move, unless you have incontrovertible evidence. Obviously they had nothing but rash assumptions.

Because this was a matter of extraordinary sensitivity, we should never spy on a presidential campaign, without informing the candidate. they never informed candidate Trump, not ever.

Show me where they ever informed candidate Trump.

They violated diplomatic protocol, and violated FBI protocol. These protocol and procedures are there for every other investigation.

If as they have said, they were only investigating Page, Popadopolus, and Manafort, why would this require extreme measures, and breaking the long held rules? Because they did not want to get caught.

If this was legit, they would have conducted it as per proper protocol and procedure.

Because the investigation wandered off the field. For example, Manafort is not being indicted for collusion. No indictments are being handed down for Russian collusion.

They didn’t “spy on the campaign”. They had an informant talk to two individuals on the campaign, about a single specific issue. There was no requirement that they inform Trump, particularly at a point in the investigation where they were unclear whether he was involved, or had knowledge of it.

What protocols did they violate? Do you have evidence to back this claim up?

Good thing this never happened.

Perhaps they looked at a long history of statements from the Trumps about business ties to Russia, Trump’s long-professed man-crush on Putin, and his public request for Russia to get a hold of Hillary Clinton’s email and concluded that they ought to find out how far up the problems went before tipping their hand to a civilian with a notorious reputation.

Moreover, as a Trump supporter I’m quite sure you would prefer that they have informed him about what they knew but do you have any evidence that that has ever ever been standard procedure? I’ve gotten the impression that FBI policy is generally to keep investigations completely under wraps.

LOL Not sure that went the way she thought it would

I think I’ll take the word of former prosecutor and Republican chair of the House intelligence committee over Joe Commenter at It wasn’t spying and you don’t get incontrovertible evidence until you investigate.

Citation needed.

DOJ/FBI is free and in fact obligated to pursue crimes it uncovers even if those crimes were not the subject of the original investigation.

Probably the excuse someone like Clapper or Strzok would have used. In other words, their biases were so strong and hatred so great, that without evidence they would assume Trump was potentially guilty of…something. Yes, that is exactly how this whole campaign collusion thing worked.

Probably the excuse someone like Clapper or Strzok would have used. In other words, their biases were so strong and hatred so great, that without evidence they would assume Trump was potentially guilty of…something. Yes, that is exactly how this whole campaign collusion thing worked.

Your Trumpism is pushing you further and further from reality. It’s quite stunning, and alarming.

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So, if for example, the FBI is investigating possible corruption in the upper echelons of Amazon, instead of conducting the investigation and learning who is involved, they should immediately contact Jeff Bezos and have him help them investigate Bezo’s upper level mangers, people who Bezos knows, like, trusts, and respects?

Thta’s what you are suggesting here.

They don’t get this, that there is something very wrong with the administration of the party in power spying on the campaign of the opposition party. This is indeed extraordinary and needs to be documented in the nth degree and made public as soon as possible. This has more of a dampening effect on our democracy than anything the Russians could do.
If Trump sets into motion an investigation of the opposition party in 2020, they will get it then. The screaming will be non stop, with demands for justification.

Of course.

And if Obama has set into motion an investigation of the Republican party in 2016, your comment would be relevant.

But that’s not what happened, and you know that.

Blah blah blah. Blinders on…super partisan…can’t see for partisanship…all standard garbage and back at you.

They don’t get this, that there is something very wrong with the administration of the party in power spying on the campaign of the opposition party. This is indeed extraordinary and needs to be documented in the nth degree and made public as soon as possible.

Sorry, but this is not what happened, and regardless of how much the Derp Staters keep repeating it, it’s not going to change the reality. You should really reconsider spreading lies. It’s not a good look.

This has more of a dampening effect on our democracy than anything the Russians could do.

Given that it didn’t happen, this is not an issue. However, it is telling how your hatred of law enforcement is growing as Trump’s legal jeopardy increases.

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Blah blah blah. Blinders on…super partisan…can’t see for partisanship…all standard garbage and back at you.

LOL! You describe yourself to a “T”. And your blindness increases as the sunlight pours in on the criminality of the Trump campaign operatives.

What part of Gowdy has reviewed the unclassified documents and he has not seen any impropriety do you not understand?

In fact in the interview he states that from reviewing the documents relating to this source ( your “spy”) he is now even more convinced that what the FBI did was proper.

You can spin, dance and flip all you want, rationalize away all you want.

Trey “Benghazeee” Gowdy himself has exposed “spygate” as a lie, sit on that for a bit…


The end became clear to Nixon when his allies in the house turned against him. This is the similar beginning, although Trumpkins will never be able to see it.

hell, why wouldn’t Trump and team meet with Russians. those guys take all shortcuts.

I don’t think there will be enough Republicans with integrity though.

I agree with this.

Certainly a damning Mueller report will shake some sense into a few of them, but far to many of the GOPers in the house live and die by the Fox News/Talk Radio crowd, and they will never turn on trump.

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If the House flips, it wouldn’t take a lot.