Trans, Homosexual, BIPOC Have Become Bullies & Are Untouchable

Transgender actress Tommy Dorfman claimed that workers for Delta Air Lines intentionally misgendered her and committed a “human rights violation” following a viral video of the alleged incident.

:snowflake: What a snowflake :roll_eyes:

He cheapens the meaning of human rights violations just like he cheapens women with his impersonation of them.

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Lol OMG did you start a whole thread because some celebrities were saying some things on Instagram? Lol and Fox made a news story about it?!?

Idk, is this the definition of snowflake? Victimhood? The rise of beta males whining about their hurts and slights on the Internet?


Are you this childish in real life?


The ultimate example of a Beta male is a man posing as a woman.

Mmmmm, no I don’t think that’s it.

Not sure that you’re qualified to identify a beta male.

I’m flattered.

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Ya that lady boi stuff in Thailand is actually terrifying speaking from experience it didn’t happen when overseas thank the heavens but it’s a lot harder to tell the difference.

Best thing to do is follow them to the bathroom they’re not allowed to use the women bathroom there so it’s not uncommon to walk into a male bathroom and see 10 lady voice it’s pretty odd too


Build your own churches for your religion.

It was all planned.

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Of course.

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Indiana parents warn nation after child is removed from home for improper pronoun usage: ‘Can happen anywhere’


Not possible. I was assured this would never happen.

I’m disappointed in the priest that presided over the funeral. It was a Catholic priest, no less. But we see it everywhere. There are renegades in any organization. The priest knew what was going to happen, and who the deceased person was, and what family intended to do there.

I’m hoping that behind the scenes there will be consequences for the priest. He never should have let that happen. He never should have brought that into any Catholic church, never mind St. Patrick’s Cathedral.

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Imagine that.


“If you have always believed that everyone should play by the same rules and be judged by the same standards, that would have gotten you labeled a radical 60 years ago, a liberal 30 years ago and a racist today.”

— Thomas Sowell


Indoctrination into looneyville