Trans, Homosexual, BIPOC Have Become Bullies & Are Untouchable

It can also happen when the child has a terrible eating disorder.

Two courts. Not just state agency but two courts found against the parents. In Indiana….

And the eating disorder is mentioned once

What does it say about the courts when the eating disorder gets worse when they are taken out of their home? Especially after the state determines there was no abuse after an investigation?

I don’t know we’re you got two courts but the state found for the parents.

There are two sides to this story. We will see eventually who is correct the state or parents.

That’s the accusation from the parents - that it got worse

Two courts

From your article:

When the case was first heard in trial court, Indiana officials argued the child “should be in a home where she is [ac]cepted for who she is” and restricted the Coxes’ visitation time to a few hours once a week, which barred them from speaking to him about their religious views on human sexuality and gender identity. Even though the court determined the Coxes were fit parents, it upheld the removal of their child which was later upheld by the appeals court.

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And it was an accusation from the State that was later was proven not true in their own investigation. So who do you believe the people who lied originally or the parents?

I don’t know who to believe to be honest

That’s one too many state agencies/courts….in deep red Indiana for it to be about gender pronouns only

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A moment of truth…

Our office is fulfilling our statutory duty to defend this state agency

From @STODR’s FNC link.

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He did say it was statutory :blush:

He did say he is defending the agency, not the child.

Right but if it’s statutory then it’s a bad law.

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He didn’t quote it.

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“That would be four fifths, Senator,” Earle Sears responded, before she was asked by Roem what the exact number would be. The lieutenant governor added: “Yes sir, that would be 32.”

Man, this guy looks like Professor Severus Snape wearing a dress in the video clip in the article.

And it’s interesting to see the collision of BIPOC/woman-versus-Tranny interests here!

I love me some Winsome.

“Tell us you’re a chomo without telling us you’re a chomo.”


I had to look that up.

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Why are these people EVER taken seriously??

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The Department of Sit Down And Shut Up Or Else.


Comply or bye


When someone tells me they are offended that I don’t celebrate their madness / sin I tell them “you’re welcome!”


That’s exactly what the Left wants, that once they promote a new ideology that we should all celebrate together!