Trans, Homosexual, BIPOC Have Become Bullies & Are Untouchable

To quote Vivek Ramaswamy:
“It is the tyranny of the minority”.

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So does this person go to the non binary jail? I mean he’s not male or female so you can’t put them in either one of those. Do they have a separate jail for every single gender? Who decides where to put them? Who is responsible to make sure their rights are upheld?

Where are all the left on this issue?

I am not being sarcastic. I am really questioning how as a society this can even work?
If you say male prison, what if they don’t feel comfortable around males or feel safe around males? If you say female prison, what if they aren’t comfortable or feel emotionally vulnerable around females?

Realistically how does this work?

I don’t think the point of prison is to feel comfortable :wink:

If you’re a biological male, you go to a prison for men, period.


I thought if you “ identify” as a woman , you are a “woman” and get to go to “woman’s”prison.

Good job, Megan Kelly. Real women don’t have to put up with these Synthetics trying to redefine something they’ll never be.



He made the world a safer place.

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Well, that’s the rainbow-spectrum narrative, anyway.

Spitting, so lady-like. Tsk, tsk.

This will be a good test.

Looks like a lesbian if anyone has seen their domestic violence rates makes sense it would be coming from them.



and they say these people are mentally ill….

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Should be fired and blacklisted as well.

Fairfax County. They’ve really got their priorities straight.

iT’S nOt BeiNg tAughT in eLemEntarY sChOolS!

It’s a religion now.


That’s a sick bunch of people running those schools.

I would pull my kid out immediately if i was a parent there.

If I commented on what sort of religion that is i would probably get in trouble on these forums.


Delta Man wasn’t having it…

Intersectionality is tough.

Libs see themselves as the flawless absolute moral authority who stands above others who disagree with them.

See themselves are the key words here. They stand above no one when it comes to morals.

They want to drag us down to their level.

Saving the nation from the dangers of Heaven…

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It’s like that with everything they touch.

The answer is never helping people get over the bar but to always lower the bar.

And as as side note:

Isn’t this exactly what people had said would happen once the bar was lowered on marriage to allow gays to marry.

Many said that it would open the gate to normalizing evey sort of perversion and fetish and were called “hysterical “ and “fear mongers “ and yet here we are.

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