Today’s polls and discussion about polls

My first vote was for Reagan in 84’…An absentee ballot while I was in the Army. I’m glad I came to my senses and became Liberal…lol

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No. Thats ballots RETURNED


Even better!

Bush 41 was my first election where I was able to vote, and I pretty much voted Republican until 2016. Now that conservatism doesn’t have a home any longer with either major party, I’m independent.

I voted out Ron Paul in my first election.

That’s was great.


I voted for W a couple of years after I became a naturalized citizen.

Republican until second go round with GWB. He instantly turned a budget surplus into deficit with irresponsible tax cuts. Didn’t like Bush Doctrine, Patriot Act, “enhanced interrogation.” He did some good and seemed like a nice guy but I had begun to shift (or maybe the parties began to shift and I stayed the same) during Clinton, although I continued to vote Republican. The first GWB term confirmed my change to the dark side.

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We all do stupid ■■■■ when we’re young.


You ain’t kidding. I used to religiously watch Fox News and listen to Dennis Prager on a daily basis. :man_facepalming:t2:

This is going to help Trump with suburban women, I’m sure.

“Especially a female…”

The man is clueless. Why don’t the suburban women love me? :sob:

'84 was my first vote. I was wise beyond my years and voted Mondale. Voted dem for prez ever since…yeah, even Dukakis…

Pollsters: Who are you voting for?

Everyone: Abraham Lincoln

Bush 41 also was who I first voted for President. I have gone from voting for Bush/Quayle to Biden/Harris.

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After being below 8% for a couple of days on RCP, it looks like Biden is starting to climb again. He is now at 8.1%.

The most reassuring thing is that Joe Biden has had a steady lead for like eight months now and nothing seems to be changing that.

That’d be reassuring if Trumpists cared about the notion of a representative republic or the essence of democracy. The will of the people is not at issue here. Trump’s plan is to subvert the will of the people by delegitimizing the actual vote and winning it in the courts or by having legislatures send a different slate of electors than was determined by the vote count.

It’s not about people or votes. It’s about vote count, and courts, and legislatures.

That is what it will come down to unless this thing is a massive blowout.

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Pretty much spot on. The GOP is no longer interested in democracy now that it no longer helping them win.

538 now has Biden with a 66% chance of winning Arizona and North Carolina. Democrat Cunningham now has a 64% chance of winning the NC Senate race.

■■■■■■■ hilarious that the scandal card didn’t work.


If you live in a glass house …

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I think it’s both.

“I think a lot of people are being encouraged to vote early, so it remains to be seen whether we’re just moving some votes from Election Day to the early voting period or whether it’s a huge overall turnout increase.”

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