We will be sacrificed on the altar of environmental radicalism by virtue signaling woke white elitists.
And I’m being serious. They already sacrificed the blue collar worker for climate radicalism. Many of those blue collar workers were black and Hispanic. A small (but noticeable) percentage of them were women.
The left used to fight for workers. They used to fight for labor. It was the goal they were founded on. But the goal and the cause has changed.
The cause is the central theme. “By any means necessary.”
The AC systems are filled with evil planet killing greenhouse gas and more than half of the countries in the world burn carbon-based fuels to produce the electricity to run them. It’s better to let people die in the heat rather than risk it getting hotter.
They’d hate me. I idle my car for about 2 hours every night I’m at work. I burn my weight in wood multiple times a week. As far as climate lockdowns go, I wouldn’t expect them in the US for a very long time. But California could surprise me.
I go on break from 1am to 3am. I spend that time in my car. The car has to be running for the climate to be controlled. There’s nowhere else to go to relax.