Tlaib and Omar Antisemites, Media Accessories

But not you. Thanks.

Is this really how you want to do it? Because you will have a lot and I mean a ton of rebuking to do because you support Trump.

I disagree with the reps and hope they don’t run again.

Your turn. Do you want to start with the non stop lying (oh dear, rebuking each lie of Trump’s will take forever), the 16 and more sexual abuse allegations, the pettiness he displays, every stupid idea he expresses, his gaffes, there really is so much. Have fun.

Patience grasshopper. The kids wanted breakfast (again, I fed them yesterday). Your turn. :slight_smile:

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Also, can you see you were wrong when you said only one lib rebuked them?

They met with known terrorists. Came back calling Jews termites. No one cares…


100% true

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Do you condemn them?

No lib “rebuked them”, requires direct communication.


express sharp disapproval or criticism of (someone) because of their behavior or actions.

Which part of the definition mentions “direct communication?”

I care.

Dear :rofl:

That’s the 5 dems that went in 2016. You’d think they’d blacklist this Miftah group after the reaction Hank Johnson got upon his return.

Don’t be ridiculous. Donations don’t make themselves.

I think Trump is right about them being Anti-Jewish


Ya something he’s right on, but to be honest this one was not hard to see they literally put probably 80% of their time in on condemning Israel.

I thought it was interesting at the exact moment they were there the West Bank just announced a crackdown on any LGBTQ events and anyone involved will be arrested. Probably tossed off a tall building but that was left out, interesting they had the congresswoman had nothing to say about that.

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The cartoon itself doesn’t seem antisemitic so then it goes to the “are you supposed to look into the history of the cartoonist before posting the cartoon” and just like when trump posts random things, maybe?

Not only are they not apologizing, they’re doubling down! Omar and Tlaib call for congress to reconsider israeli aid.

Why are these Freshman Congresswomen choosing this hill to die on? So dumb. Let’s completely eliminate any ability to push for an agenda to push a policy that’s never going to win. Smart!

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I wonder how much Trump is paying them. Better money spent than on Stormy , for sure !

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