Tlaib and Omar Antisemites, Media Accessories

Try reading the beginning of the thread. The denouncement started in very beginning.

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I’m not talking about this thread.

I’m talking out “there”, where many pundits, CNN anchors and Dems threw a fit.

This is different. It’s the sainted ones so the silence will be deafening.

You said “every lib threw a fit.” This thread proves this is a false claim.

You missed a nit there,

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Why you marching out whataboutism? You got a mop? Clean your own house.


Until you came along and started throwing cover.

Words have meanings still. Even if people try to act like they don’t.

Pointing out facts is throwing cover? Okay… The truth is at the beginning of this very thread libs declared that the two reps were wrong.

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Until they denounce David Duke, they’re also white supremacists. And until you get out the bell and start ringing it, you’re just throwing cover with that Johnny come lately Trumpdidit.


Oh damn. Those congressmen met with a known terrorist in effort to gain sympathy for Palestinians. Luis Gutierrez was appointed to the DNC platform committee to soften their stance on a Palestinian state.

This was right before Hank Johnson came back calling Israelites who settled in the West Bank termites.

Somebody’s got lots of ‘splainin to do.

And the NYTimes and WaPost give Tlaib and Omar the same cover “Somebody didn’t vet properly…” They knowingly did it. You don’t ■■■■ up in 2016 then do it again in 2019 for sport.

How long are you going to wait?

For what?


I worry Trump will successfully portray these two Congresswomen (plus two others) as the face of the Democratic Party, and gain a second term.

The more progressive members of the party should be thinking long game instead of seeking tiny victories that lead to a greater defeat.


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Not by you.

One liberal did. You? Not so much.

More then one. Read the thread.