Tipping industry

I don’t think so. Really, just the opposite.

Umm many of them do make a living wage.

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Over decades I have been going to countries that have a VAT. So if I go get a meal the tip is included in the bill. However a lot of times the service isn’t all that good. Perhaps those folks think that they are going to get paid anyway so what the hell.

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What’s their incentive?

I’m the last one who cares if someone wants to run a restaurant of his own like that, or even have mandatory tipping as in Canada.

But am so not for forcing this on others or for the so called “living wage”.

There are servers who get good tips, and generally not too many wait on tables with it in mind as a career, but the temporary entry level work it tends to be.

Wanna see more do it yourself kiosks as in McDonalds and various grocery stores?

I’m sure tips are even better cuz she’s better lookin than @SixFoot ? Just sayin… :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:


To maintain a good paying job with benefits that allows them to live a good life.

so many in the service industry are really hustling to make ends meet. Makes it hard to deliver servuce with a smile, even when tips are on the line.

Anecdotal for sure, but in my travels to countries that don’t tip, but service sector employment is middle class living, I have seen people just generally seem happy to be on the job.

Of course this could be tainted by my perception.

That completely ignores reality.

As a general rule, waiters and bartenders make much more from tips than they would earning what’s often referred to as a “living wage”.

It does depend on what restaurant we’re talking about - but even a night-shift waitress at a Denny’s likely makes at least $10-$20 an hour just in tips.

So I bartend once a week still on a Friday or Saturday its a fun way to work and socialize at the same time.

Usually I make enough in tips it gives me spending money for the week and i can leave my paychecks alone. Personally I wouldn’t want a straight wage, I much prefer making customers laugh and getting 200-300 6-8 hours.

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I was making well over 200$ each 5 hour weekend shift as a waiter. I had coworkers who were terrible and didn’t last long that probably barely made min wage.

If you want a hourly wage as a waiter you are probably ■■■■ at your job


Nah, if ain’t broke don’t fix it.

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Then don’t call it “minimum wage”.

What other occupations should we do this with?

Car mechanic?


Retails sales associate?


Oil and gas worker?

It is minimum wage, if you don’t hit minimum with tips the employer has to make up the difference. Didn’t I already post this fact in this thread?

Know what the difference is? Nobody has to go out to eat. That makes it much more price sensitive. You don’t get much choice on whether to go to the doctor or whether to call a plumber.

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“Tax free”. LOL, that’s called tax evasion. :slight_smile:


Oh well, everyone did it. Those were the days when you still had to pay federal taxes if you didn’t make much money. You think most waitresses are paying a lot of federal taxes these days? I was ahead of my time, an early progressive. :slight_smile:

Which of them doesn’t make minimum wage?

Defund the beast every which way it can be done. Black market economies rule. Much of what it does it has no enumerated power to do.