Time to shut down social media?

So it’s okay for people to do this?

Now, the challenge is to attribute it to the Biden administration.

It’s right around the corner.

That seems to be the insinuation. I was taught some what differently growing up myself.

Already done


Let’s censor what we don’t like.

Seems like a first amendment case to me.

Freedom of speech.


Of course not. But let’s not think mega corporations like Home Depot and Wal Mart are experiencing any kind of financial ruin because of “smash-and-grab”. If we’re talking small, family owned businesses, that’s a different conversation.

If you don’t think they raise their prices to cover their losses well. They don’t pay for it, we do.


Indeed, Both are RW conspiracy BS.

So basically no big deal as long as it’s stores affiliated with big corporations?

What’s his deal?

He has an agenda.

He is still a bogeyman.


What is the agenda?

Destroy US currency to make a buck going by his usual mo.

This is nothing new. I lived in a large city in the late 80s. My roommate worked at a large retailer. Their orders were not to try to stop shoplifters and only call the cops after they left for fear of escalating the situations. It wasn’t worth the risk for the price of a bag of goods.

Gotta love the Lib mentality. They get bemused or irate when they’re called Socialists or Communists, yet they refuse to acknowledge that people have a right to keep and even defend what they have worked to own. Apparently they believe that everyone on earth owns everybody else’s stuff equally. ( not their own stuff though) If you have come into possession of something, anybody at will has the right to simply take it from you if they want it.

Is it too much to ask though Libs if you would at least encourage the people re-owning the stuff we’re in possession of to at least have some human kindness when they decide it’s their turn for ownership of something? How about something like “ Excuse us, We’ve noticed you’ve selfishly contained our belongings in one of our buildings and didn’t provide us with keys so we can access and utilize our belongings at our convenience, would you kindly remove yourself from our building forever and allow us to take our turn at ownership? Thank you so much!”

Wouldn’t people be more inclined to stop their selfish possessiveness and even the desire to continue living instead of getting unreasonably defensive? I know that it’s really an illogical and racist assumption, that people who just smashed in the windows and looted and burned 100 other buildings on you block are going to do the same thing to the building you are occupying at the moment, and it’s totally wrong to not at least give an alleged assailant the opportunity to pull the trigger on the gun pointed at your head first before you assume they’re going to kill you and open fire with the weapon you have no legitimate reason to have, but still, couldn’t you non socialists and non communists who totally believe in private ownership of property and right to life give just a teensy bit here? After all, you guys control the media, how about use it to benefit society. Be the bigger, benevolent, tolerant of diverse opinions people you claim to be, instead of the racist, intolerant, hypocritical, dictatorial, authoritarian, moral degenerates you appear to be to all the unenlightened conservatives who are paying more attention to what you do than what you say…


Maybe that’s the difference. Now, the risk isn’t seen as that great. So…let’s have Dem run cities increase that risk.

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Depends on whom you ask. I don’t know him personally.

As with anyone with money the agenda is personal. Some of it is beneficial to the community but i am sure not without personal gain to himself.

Boogey boogey boogey

You deny his financial history?

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