Time to shut down social media?

I deny his working to colapse US currency. I can’t deny whether he is invested in its fluctuations since i hace no clue what his portfolio looks like other than his history to affect currency market

Are you denying his right as a capitalist to act within the confines of the law and the market?

So either ignorant or denial of his past financial activities that resulted in crashed currencies in other countries. Got it.


He certainly has. He is a capitalist. I however deny that he is working to affect US currency. If i am wrong so be it.

You guys are free marketers through and through.

The new Twitter head dummy just admitted they are a publisher and are now protecting content they did not compensate users for.

They will soon be crashing very hard.

Time, past time for Republicans to punish any elected or running Republican who goes on twitter or even reference anything found on it.

Investing in currencies vs “past financial activities…”

Yours sounds so…sinister!

lol. That’s funny.

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If we enforced laws, set bail, and did our job as a country we would not have problems.

Progressive liberalism, cancel culture, wokeism, poor parenting skills, and give a ■■■■ attitude are the problems.


What’s funny about it? Democrats don’t punish their politicians for going on certain media outlets?

You are funny. Hello reality, it’s been a long time.

What’s the point of dumping money into AGs?

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I disagree about pols and twitter. It’s good for us to see what we’re electing.


For “smash and grab” specifically? No, they don’t.

Why would you punish someone for using twitter?

Its much, much, much, much, MUCH less of a deal.

Smash and grab is part of shoplifting, so no picking out one aspect of theft and saying they don’t “specifically” pass on losses. All losses are passed on, including smas…looting.


I agree. Margins are much smaller for small business owners in these situations. CVS, Walgreens, and the rest are pulling billions of dollars in profits. It’s not the same playing field.

I had no idea twitter had cornered the market on speech.

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Because it is an outlet that is biased against their voters and their voters beliefs.