Time to Retire the Lie

This is bigger then Michael Brown, its about what African-American view as systematic police harassment and Republican failure to address that is why you got 9% of the black vote in 2018.

Which was identical in every outward appearance to be a real gun.

unless your a bunch of white ranchers.

honestly question do you think there is racial bias when it comes to policing in America?

Do you mean the rancher who was shot getting out of his car at a road block? What does he have to do with this thread?

I couldn’t say. There is certainly a perceived racial bias by some, but that doesn’t mean there is. There is quite likely a bias among police against criminals and those who associate with criminals though. That a disprortional number of them are “people of color” doesn’t mean that’s why the cops hold a bias against them. In spite of the progressive talking points, not everything is about race.

race relation are the number one issue for people of color, ignoring it / denying it has been awful for Republican in term of poll numbers.

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As I said, perception. Just because you believe it, does not make it true.

And a kid was holding it…

In history… how many kids have shot at a cop?

The fact that its true is what makes it true.

A kid who was 5-7 and 195 pounds. That’s bigger than I am.

And kids can and do shoot people, just as deadly as an adult.

What fact?

I agree with you Sneak. It’s bothersome that we’re making excuses for bad behavior.


that there exist racial bias among the police force and criminal justice system.

That’s a perception, a theory if you prefer. There are many factors as to how police and the courts interact with suspects. Race at most, is just one of them. And while race very well may come into play with some officers and officials, behavior, attitude and actions are the dominant factors as they are with most people … even among people of color.

You hit the nail in the head my friend. And many Liberals, including myself, never bought the Michael Brown story. But I am not blind to the injustice that does exist - the injustice that this thread is trying to marginalize.

It’s a cliche but it’s true: they collectively can’t handle the truth.

Dunno. But I’m pretty sure he’d still be alive if he was white. Cultural conditioning is to blame.

a picture says a 1000 words … #bundystandoff

Did you watch the video? You are not right. The situation was not life or death. There was no hurry. The cops had time and options. There wasn’t a rush.

They pulled up, got out, and shot. It shouldn’t have happened that way.